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/ Southeast Asia

Updates from the water change maker awards

The Water ChangeMaker Awards was launched during the World Water Week, 22nd March 2020. The submission of an application was opened from 6 April and last until 14 June 2020, after extend-ed for one week. The award aims to make visible the teams and organizations that shape water decisions that build climate resili-ence – and to create and support a community of ChangeMakers who contribute and learn from each other in shaping the lessons learned about how to make positive change happen. The initiative is designed to make sure that everybody will benefit from oppor-tunities to Connect, Collaborate, and to Celebrate.

CLOSED: Call for offers_GEMWET project

Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP – Med) Legally and lawfully represented by the non-profit society MEDITERRANEAN INFORMATION OFFICE FOR ENVIRONMENT, CULTURE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT – MIO ECSDE ANNOUNCES THE PRESENT CALL FOR OFFERS For the supply of the following Items: Set of equipment for Precision Irrigation
/ Global

National Consultations Collecting Data on IWRM

GWP’s ongoing country consultations to evaluate the degree of implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is progressing as planned, with July being a busy month. In Central America alone, consultations were held in El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama (shown in the above photo).
/ Central Asia and Caucasus

2nd Public Consultation on Sevan Basin Management Plan

A second Public Consultation on the Sevan Basin Management Plan was held in Armenia from June 11 to 17 July, 2020. The consultation was organised on the programme of measures for Sevan and Hrazdan river basins districts. This is part of the River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) developed for Sevan and Hrazdan river basins within EUWI+.
/ Caribbean

Consultancy: Development of Bankable Investment Portfolio for Financing Climate Change Projects in the Dominican Republic

The Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are a powerful framework for laying out priorities for national climate action, with the potential to guide priorities such as building climate resilience and climate-resilient infrastructure. They can be developed into country-level strategies and/or approaches for mobilising finance for climate resilient infrastructure programmes and projects and for enhancing the necessary policy and regulatory frameworks. The first window of opportunity ahead is the submission of new or updated NDCs in 2020.
/ Global, Southern Africa

International Youth Day Advice: “Know Thyself”

In celebration of International Youth Day 2020 on 12 August, GWP organised an online discussion with GWP Youth Engagement Specialist Rianna Gonzales, who interviewed GWP Southern Africa Youth Coordinator Paseka Lesolang about his achievements as an entrepreneur and influencer. Paseka said that one of the most important skills that has brought him to where he is today, is self-knowledge. This has allowed him to stretch himself to the next point. “Know thyself” was therefore one of his key messages.