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/ Global

We Asked Youth: What Gives You Hope in 2021?

2020 proved to be a difficult year for people worldwide, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the cascading effects this brought to every aspect of life, both personal and professional. While 2021 may not seem that different to 2020, there are glimmers of hope that show a light at the end of a dark tunnel. In the ongoing collaboration on youth stories between GWP and the World Youth Parliament for Water (WYPW), we asked young people what gives them hope in 2021.
/ Central America, Global

Water Management Strategy in Three Basins of Southern Honduras

GWP is coordinating the formulation of a Water Resources Strategy and Action Plan for the Nacaome, Choluteca and Sampile river basins in the Gulf of Fonseca region in Honduras. The Strategy was validated in a series of workshops in December and January and is expected to be finalized during the month of March 2021.
/ Global

Gender Analysis – a Tool for Transforming Water Resources Management

In a series of inter-regional discussions, GWP Senior Gender and Social Inclusion Specialist Liza Debevec is investigating what GWP as an institution can do to apply gender equality and social inclusion in its practical work. From the GWP Gender Action Piece, published in 2017, she looks at the 4 action areas that were identified as key to progress. This month, she talked to Colin Herron and Fabiola Tábora about Action Area 2 – gender and inclusion analysis that drives change. Both Herron and Tábora are involved in finalizing complementary gender analyses in their respective areas of expertise – global and regional (Central America) – and they discuss how to use the findings to transform water resources management through gender mainstreaming.
/ Global

GWP Country Leaders Meet for Learning Exchange, 25th Anniversary Launched

GWP organised an online peer-to-peer learning exchange with leaders from its country platforms on 21 January. The event focused on how to mobilise and engage for stronger Country Water Partnerships (CWPs) and other GWP country platforms to amplify GWP's impact. It was also the launch event in a year-long celebration of GWP's 25th Anniversary.
/ Global

Interactive Session on Transboundary Water Agreements Opens New Series

In 2021, GWP and Wuhan International Water Law Academy are co-organising a series of events under the topic "transboundary freshwater security governance train." The first session took place on 19 January focusing on “Transboundary Water Agreements”. Over 80 people worldwide participated, and over 120 questions were submitted ahead of the event – even more during the live session, showing a strong interest in the topic.
/ Global

Water ChangeMakers People’s Choice Awards: Time to Have Your Say!

One of the best things about the Water ChangeMakers community is the potential to share learning and interact with each other. What better way to demonstrate that quality than for everyone to participate in selecting their favorite Water ChangeMaker? From 14-25 January you can vote for your favourite change journey.
/ Global

GWP Celebrates 25 Years of Implementing Change in the Water Sector

2021 marks 25 years since Global Water Partnership (GWP) was founded with a mission to foster Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and – ultimately – to achieve a water secure world. Throughout 2021, celebrations will take place in the worldwide network of 3,000 Partners, highlighting past successes and setting new goals for future achievements.
/ Global, Southern Africa

Embracing Gender Equality and Inclusion – It Starts From the Top

Social inclusion and gender equality are long-established, core values of the GWP Network and manifested in the GWP Gender Strategy and the GWP Gender Action Piece. In a series of inter-regional discussions, GWP Senior Gender & Social Inclusion Specialist Liza Debevec sets out to identify what GWP as an institution can do to apply the concepts in these documents. Her first discussion is with Amy Sullivan and Andrew Takawira, who are both involved in a large Pan-African project on gender transformative water and climate investment. The discussion topic is institutional leadership and commitment, which is the first of 4 action areas in the Gender Action Piece. Their message is clear: leadership makes all the difference.
/ Global

Water ChangeMaker Awards Highlight Lessons from Leading Countries

The Water ChangeMaker Awards are in the final stage of judging. From 350 initial submissions, there are 12 finalists. The winners will be presented during the virtual Climate Adaptation Summit on 25 January 2021. Here we recognise the top five countries where GWP partnerships mobilised the most Award submissions: China, India, Kenya, South Africa, and Uzbekistan.