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/ Global

New Storytelling Initiative to Boost Youth Voices

In its new Strategy for 2020-2025, GWP has committed to “purposefully reach out to and mobilise youth groups and younger individuals to confront water resources management challenges”. This statement is based on a commitment that GWP made in 2015, in its Youth Engagement Strategy. Now, a very tangible outcome is being introduced – a close collaboration with GWP and youth organisations to make sure that the voices of youth are heard.
/ Global

Making Gender Part of the Development Sector

Sida, Sweden’s International Development Cooperation Agency, and one of GWP’s founding Partners, held its annual development forum on 14 October. This year, the event highlighted gender and the inequalities that still exist around the topic. This aligns with GWP’s Gender Strategy.
/ Central Africa

IWRM at the heart of staff training and representatives of LCBC member states

With the technical support of the GWP-CAf, Experts, Directors and representatives of LCBC member states received training on IWRM for better implementation of the Lake Chad Basin Water Charter. The participants made recommendations to advance transboundary cooperation in the Lake Chad Basin.
/ Mediterranean

Capacity Building Workshops for youth in Malta: Registrations are now open

The regional organisation Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean (GWP-Med | and the Energy and Water Agency (EWA | of Malta are organizing two back-to-back Capacity Building Workshops in November 2019 in Malta: 12-13/11: ‘Communicating Water Trends & Innovation to Engage Locals and Tourists’, and 13-14/11: 'Non-Conventional Water Resources Management: Local Solutions'.
/ Global

Before Disaster Hits – Find Information

13 October marks the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction. The day is centered around the seven targets of the Sendai Framework, and this year focuses on Target D: reduce disaster damage to critical infrastructure and disruption of basic services. According to the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) floods are the most common natural disaster with the largest impacts on society. GWP Senior Network Specialist Frederik Pischke says that there are great published insights that can help those in need to build resilience – online HelpDesks on flood & drought management offer practical support.