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/ Eastern Africa

GWPEA Took part in the National Workshop on Lessons Learned from NAP-Ag Uganda

Under the Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans programme (“NAP-Ag”), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are working together with ministries of Agriculture, Environment, Planning and Finance, and key national stakeholders in selected countries to incorporate agricultural sectors into National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) processes.
/ Eastern Africa

GWPEA Participated in the Conference on SDGs in Africa

From 12-14 June 2019, GWPEA Regional Coordinator was invited and supported by SDG Center Africa to participate and contribute to the Conference on “SDGs implementation in Africa – reflections on a three-year journey” in Kigali, Rwanda.
/ Mediterranean

Tunisian Youth from Ghar El Melh discusses Green Jobs opportunities

Youth representatives from Ghar El Melh, some 60 Km north of Tunis gathered on 24 June 2019, to identify options for green employment in their home area, also interacting with local authorities responsible for promoting employability (The Employment Office of Utique). During the Workshop on“First Green Jobs”) participants enhanced their understanding on green economy and its role in sustainably managing natural resources while providing opportunities for jobs and entrepreneurship.
/ West Africa

Ghana holds workshop to validate SDG6 IWRM Action Plan

The Water Resources Commission, in collaboration with Ghana Country Water Partnership, organized a workshop on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 6 target 6.5 on Integrated Water Resources Management on 20th June 2019.
/ West Africa

OUEDRAOGO Phebée successfully defends her Master’s thesis on rural WASH climate resilience

“Analysis of the resilience of WASH services to the effects of climate change in rural areas: the case of the localities of Douna and Soubakaniédougou in the cascade region of Burkina Faso”, this is the title of the thesis document that Ms. Phebée OUEDRAOGO defended for her Master’s degree from the International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering (2IE) on June 1st 2019.