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/ West Africa

SDG 6 IWRM /SP in Ghana progress reported

The Water Resources Commission (WRC), in collaboration with the Country Water Partnership - Ghana (CWP-Ghana) is conducting a review of the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) plans for the Pra and Tano Basins.
/ West Africa

SDG 6 IWRM/SP, Senegal organizes workshops to share studies results

The Directorate of Water Resources Management and Planning (DGPRE) of Senegal in collaboration with CWP Senegal organised on 22 October 2021 a workshop with the aim of sharing the reports elaborated by the consultants and collecting the opinions of the actors of the water sector on the results of the process of accompaniment to the acceleration of the implementation of phase 2 of the IWRM Plan (PAGIRE 2).
/ West Africa

TFTC 2 facilitates bio agro cultures festival in Togo

YVE Togo implementing the phase 2 of the #TonFuturTonClimat project in Togo has organised from 27 to 30 October 2021, the youth festival (Festival AgroBioCulture) which aims to promote agroecology among young people and farmers in Grand Kloto and to promote local consumption.
/ West Africa

Mekrou project validate first studies reports

The Ministry of Water and Sanitation (MHA) through the Permanent Secretariat of PANGIRE, in collaboration with the Global Water Partnership in West Africa (GWP-WA) and the Country Water Partnership of Niger (CWP-Niger), has organised a regional workshop for the restitution and validation of the first results of the missions on the:
/ West Africa

Risks mapping in the Volta basin, VFDM train technicians

The development of the VOLTALARM Early warning system-based platform myDEWETRA as one of the activities of the VFDM project requires to develop flood and drought risk maps in each of the Volta Basin countries using the newly collected information and the existing one available from global, national and local agencies as well as other projects in the region.
/ West Africa

VFDM organize national workshops on Gender mainstreaming

The Volta Flood and Doright Management (VFDM) project held two national training workshops on Gender mainstreaming in End-to-End Early Warning System for flood forecasting and integrated flood risk management in the volta basin on 11 to 14 October 2021 in Wa and from 18 to 21 October 2021 in Tamale, Northern Ghana.
/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Global, Southern Africa, West Africa

Towards an International High-Level Panel for Climate Resilience Water Investments in Africa at COP26

In an event on the margins of the World Leaders Summit at COP26, former Tanzanian leader and Chair of Global Water Partnership Southern Africa and Africa Coordination, H.E. President Jakaya Kikwete called on the international community to support the establishment of an International High-Level Panel on Water Investments for Africa, which is urgently needed to accelerate investments in water security on the continent.
/ West Africa

Benin, Youth and new technologies to improve access to drinking water

As part of the implementation of the Governance component of the OmiDelta program (VGO) ANE Fund, CWP-Benin will support young people to help stakeholders (municipalities, civil society, managers, etc.) in the collection of information on the management of the Public Water Service (PWS) that can enable them to improve the service provided to the population.
/ West Africa

Water and environment media competition winners known

In the framework of the 25th anniversary of GWP Network, GWP-WA organized its 6th media awards around the theme “"Water Security and Climate Resilience in West Africa: Acting for the Well-Being of the Populations". The winners were made known in a communiqué released on September 25.