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/ Mediterranean

GWP-Med and UNICEF Mauritania join forces to support the development of an Action Plan for the Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) System of Water Resources and WASH in Mauritania

“…The lack of regularly informed monitoring and evaluation system of water resources and water services challenges considerably the decision making process for water management in Mauritania… The Action Plan will be an important document to advocate for funds mobilizations…”, with these statements, the General Secretary of the Ministry of Hydraulics and Sanitation, M. Mohamed Ould Abdallahi Salem Ould Ahmed Doua, opened the joint workshop organised by GWP-Med and UNICEF Mauritania on February, 7th 2018.
/ Mediterranean

Call for proposals – DRIN DAY 2018

GEF/UNDP/GWP-Med project 'Enabling transboundary cooperation and integrated water resources management in the extended Drin River Basin' (GEF Drin Project) is making forces to raise public awareness about the natural wealth and legacy of the Drin River Basin on the occasion of Drin Day 2018.
/ Global

IWD 2018: How to Empower Women in the Water Sector

The UN theme of this year’s International Women’s Day (IWD 2018) relates to gender equality and activism, building on global movements such as #metoo and #TimeIsNow. For the water community we translated this to “Time is now for equality in water access and management!” and followed it up by asking women in the GWP network “How can activism empower women in the water sector?” These issues were also raised in a Facebook Live session on 8 March together with GWP Partner Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI).
/ Mediterranean

International Women's Day 2018 - inspirational thoughts from the GWP-Med female water community

International Women's Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8 every year to commemorate the movement for women's rights. For 2018, International Women’s Day comes on the heels of unprecedented global movement for women’s rights, equality and justice. This has taken the form of global marches and campaigns, including #MeToo and #TimesUp in the United States of America and their counterparts in other countries, on issues ranging from sexual harassment and femicide to equal pay and women’s political representation. In this context, the UN theme for the 2018 International Women’s Day is “Time is Now: Rural and urban activists transforming women’s lives”.
/ Central Asia and Caucasus

IWD2018: Time is Now: Rural and urban activists transforming women's life

International Women's Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8 every year. For 2018, the UN’s theme is: “Time is Now: Rural and urban activists transforming women's life.” On the eve of celebrating, we decided to ask women in the GWP CACENA network a question: "Time is now for equality in water access and management! How can activism empower #WaterWomen?"
/ Eastern Africa

GWPEA Celebrates International Women's Day 2018

8 March marks International Women’s Day. The global theme for this year is “Time is Now: Rural and urban activities transforming women’s lives”. To celebrate this important day and highlight the theme, GWPEA interviewed Mrs. Sarah Mawerere, Environmental reporter and gender activist from Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC)and asked her the following question: Time is now for quality in water access and management! How can activism empower #WaterWomen?
/ Mediterranean

International Women's Day

International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated annually across the world to remind us of the battles fought and the ones ahead towards gender equality. Time is now for equality in water access and management! How can activism empower #WaterWomen?