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/ Southern Africa

8th SADC Multi-stakeholder Water Dialogue - Strengthening sectoral engagement and Nexus approaches

The SADC Multi-Stakeholder Water Dialogue is an event organised by the SADC Directorate of Infrastructure and Services, Water Division to provide a forum for practitioners in the region to have a dialogue with water using and water influencing sectors. The underlying objective is to ensure that the interventions in the water sector are well communicated to the non-water sector actors and also create an environment to receive inputs from them. Dr. Ken Msibi explains the objectives of the 8th SADC Multi-Stakeholder Water Dialogue.
/ Southern Africa

Zambezi Basin Stakeholders Forum to be held in Malawi

The Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM) in collaboration with its partners, will hold this year’s annual Zambezi Basin-wide Stakeholders Forum from 8-9 October in Lilongwe, Malawi. The Basin-wide Stakeholders Forum brings together those with an interest in the Zambezi River Basin to share information and experiences around a selected theme.
/ Southern Africa

Zimbabwe’s Marondera developing Integrated Water and Wastewater Master Plan

Several partners among which the Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate of Zimbabwe and the Municipality of Marondera have come together to help Zimbabwe develop an Integrated Water and Wastewater Master Plan that will, in part, present detailed prioritized investments for the municipality of Marondera, financed by the African Water Facility. This project will also build the capacity of the key sector players, which will in the long term foster an integrated approach in managing the water and sanitation facilities in the country.
/ Southern Africa

Africa Water Investment Program(AIP) to support PIDA Water

Global Water Partnership (GWP) and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) have established a project to support implementation of PIDA water priority transboundary and hydropower projects.
/ Global, Southern Africa

Bringing Youth to the Table in Southern Africa

A corner of the GWP Southern Africa office in Pretoria, South Africa, houses the headquarters of WHC – short for Water Hygiene Convenience. We spoke to Paseka Lesolang, Founder and Managing Director of WHC, who describes the partnership as an ideal way to join forces – with a shared vision and common goals.
/ Southern Africa

Pan African Institutions Strategise on Measures to Accelerate Infrastructure Delivery on the Continent

In an effort to scale up implementation of infrastructure, the NEPAD Agency, supported by the African Development Bank, the Regional Economic Communities and other stakeholders met in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, with the objectives of crafting measures to enhance the role out of infrastructure as well as enhance access to infrastructure financing through institutional investors as well as the private sector.