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/ Southern Africa

21 African countries gather to exchange lessons and build capacity on water project preparation for increased climate resilience

A three-day workshop responding to African country needs and expressed demand for support to strengthen capacity of National Designated Authorities (NDAs), Direct Access Entities (DAEs), and Water Ministries to prepare climate resilient and resilience-building water security projects that may access Green Climate Fund (GCF) financing started yesterday at the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) in Johannesburg, South Africa.
/ Southern Africa

21 African countries gather to exchange lessons and build capacity on water project preparation for increased climate resilience

A three-day workshop responding to African country needs and expressed demand for support to strengthen capacity of National Designated Authorities (NDAs), Direct Access Entities (DAEs), and Water Ministries to prepare climate resilient and resilience-building water security projects that may access Green Climate Fund (GCF) financing started yesterday at the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) in Johannesburg, South Africa.
/ South Asia

A “Financial Fitness” workshop for GWP South Asia

An intensive 3-day Finance Officers’ Training for South Asia lead by Salman Riaz, Finance Officer from GWPO Finance Team took place in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 4-6 September 2018. The training was with full of sharing, learning, networking, team and capacity building.
/ Mediterranean

MENA Focus at the 2018 Stockholm Water Week - Spotlight on Wetlands: their services and how to best protect and valorize them through a Nexus approach

The crucial role of water ecosystems -and especially coastal wetlands- in Middle East & North Africa (MENA) and the policy options on how to best protect and valorize them through a Nexus approach were discussed at a session co-convened by the Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med) and Wetlands International during the recent World Water Week in Stockholm (27-31 August 2018).
/ Mediterranean

GWP-Med during the World Water Week 2018 – Session on the benefits for ecosystems and wetlands through the Nexus

The World Water Week, held every year in Stockholm, is considered the major global annual event dedicated to water issues. More than 1200 speakers and presenters together with hundreds of participants more, will take part in its almost 300 sessions. The theme of this year’s Week (26-31 August) is “Water, Ecosystems and Human Development”. As in previous years, GWP-Med serves as the overall coordinator for the “MENA Focus” sessions dedicated to water-related issues in the Middle East & North Africa Region.
/ Southern Africa

8th SADC Multi-stakeholder Water Dialogue - Strengthening sectoral engagement and Nexus approaches

The SADC Multi-Stakeholder Water Dialogue is an event organised by the SADC Directorate of Infrastructure and Services, Water Division to provide a forum for practitioners in the region to have a dialogue with water using and water influencing sectors. The underlying objective is to ensure that the interventions in the water sector are well communicated to the non-water sector actors and also create an environment to receive inputs from them. Dr. Ken Msibi explains the objectives of the 8th SADC Multi-Stakeholder Water Dialogue.
/ Southern Africa

8th SADC Multi-stakeholder Water Dialogue - Strengthening sectoral engagement and Nexus approaches

The SADC Multi-Stakeholder Water Dialogue is an event organised by the SADC Directorate of Infrastructure and Services, Water Division to provide a forum for practitioners in the region to have a dialogue with water using and water influencing sectors. The underlying objective is to ensure that the interventions in the water sector are well communicated to the non-water sector actors and also create an environment to receive inputs from them. Dr. Ken Msibi explains the objectives of the 8th SADC Multi-Stakeholder Water Dialogue.
/ Southern Africa

Zimbabwe’s Marondera developing Integrated Water and Wastewater Master Plan

Several partners among which the Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate of Zimbabwe and the Municipality of Marondera have come together to help Zimbabwe develop an Integrated Water and Wastewater Master Plan that will, in part, present detailed prioritized investments for the municipality of Marondera, financed by the African Water Facility. This project will also build the capacity of the key sector players, which will in the long term foster an integrated approach in managing the water and sanitation facilities in the country.
/ Southern Africa

Africa Water Investment Program(AIP) to support PIDA Water

Global Water Partnership (GWP) and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) have established a project to support implementation of PIDA water priority transboundary and hydropower projects.