Representatives of government ministries, private sector, civil society, and research organisations met in Yaoundé under the umbrella of a stakeholder consultation organized by GWP-Cameroon in collaboration with the Ministry of Water Resources and Energy (MINEE) on March 23rd, 2023 to verify and finalize the country’s score on the AIP scorecard.
How can GWP support governments to better integrate gender into their IWRM plans and policies to improve country score on SDG 6.5.1? In response to this, GWP-Central Africa organized a multi-stakeholder consultation in Mbalmayo, Cameroon on February 22nd to test the gender checklist developed by the Global Water Partnership (GWPO) under its SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme.
The Global Water Leadership in a Changing Climate programme (GWL) has held multi-stakeholder consultations in seven countries identifying the most critical barriers to climate-resilient water management. Working groups have now been formed to investigate these barriers and develop responses, beginning with a ‘root cause analysis’. Updates from three countries follow.
Thirty-five stakeholders from state institutions, civil society organizations, parastatals, Research institutions and the private sector identified processes, actors, and information systems involved in the development of policies, laws, and projects at the national and local levels in the water and climate sector which can serve as entry points for gender.
At the invitation of ECCAS, a meeting was held between the ECCAS Department of Environment, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Development (DERNADR) and GWP-Central Africa at the ECCAS headquarters in Libreville, Gabon in December 2022.
The members of the regional Steering committee of GWP-Central Africa met in Douala, Cameroon for the 16th annual Steering Committee meeting which was held from November 24th – 25th 2022.
About 30 representatives from the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Monitoring and Evaluation (PPBS) chain of government ministries working in the water-environment and climate sector have been trained by GWP-Cameroon experts on the Gender Transformative Approach to enable them better consider gender in the elaboration, implementation, and monitoring of national laws, programs, and budget.
About eighty representatives of youth and civil society organizations working in the water and climate sector in Congo, Cameroon, Chad, and the Central African Republic have received training on how the GWP IWRM toolbox can improve their involvement in Integrated Water Resources Management processes across the region.
Thirty representatives of public and private institutions in Sao Tomé and Principe have been trained by experts from GWP South America on the IWRM Action Hub (GWP Toolbox).