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/ Southern Africa

Joint meeting of SADC Water and Energy Ministers approves the SADC WEF-Nexus Governance Framework

The SADC Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Governance Framework, that was developed by SADC with technical assistance from GWPSA, was approved in a joint meeting held by the Ministers responsible for Energy and Water from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) on the 30th October 2020 through video conferencing, hosted by the Republic of Mozambique.
/ Mediterranean

Phase II of the Nexus Assessment in the Drina river basin is launched

The ad-hoc Steering Committee for the Nexus activities in the Drina River Basin under the SEE Nexus Project, supported by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), had its first online meeting on 15 October 2020. Representatives from the Ministries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia relevant to the water, energy and environment sectors, were informed about and commented on the project’s objectives and planned activities in the basin.
/ Global

GWP Partners Ready to ‘Bring the Change’

The 2020 GWP Network Meeting concluded on 22 October, with over 900 GWP Partners signed up for the virtual event and others watching the Facebook Live feed. The overall theme was ‘Bringing the Change’ in the context of the GWP 2020-2025 Strategy and as the world faces a pandemic.
/ Global

12 Water ChangeMaker Journeys Make It to the Finals

The finalists of the Water ChangeMaker Awards have been announced at the 2020 GWP Network Meeting. Oyun Sanjaasuren, Director of External Affairs for the Green Climate Fund, Chair of the stage two Water ChangeMaker thought leaders’ jury and former GWP Chair, presented the 12 change journeys that now enter the final stage of the Awards.
/ Global

Want to Make Change Happen? Read and Learn From the Water ChangeMaker Stories Now!

In the words of Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” In that spirit, we are delighted to share the personal journeys from 78 Water ChangeMaker semi-finalists who have changed the world for the better.