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/ Global

GWP Regional Days – Starting Work on the Change Agenda

The Change Agenda was a big topic at this year’s GWP’s annual Regional Days, which took place in Stockholm 10-13 May. As the network is preparing the 3-year work programme (2017-19), discussions were held on how the network can stay relevant and continue as a frontrunner on global water issues in an ever-changing environment.

/ Global

High Level Side Event with UNFCCC Chief and Morocco Minister

GWP representatives are at the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany, taking place 16-26 May. The focus is on GWP support for the implementation of the Paris Agreement, specifically in relation to the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) from countries, the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes, South-South Cooperation, and financing. On Thursday 19 May GWP is co-organising a high level side event together with the Government of Morocco, the UNFCCC Secretariat Adaptation Programme, and GIZ.

/ Global

GWP Appoints New Chair – Dr. Oyun Sanjaasuren

The Global Water Partnership (GWP) Sponsoring Partners have announced the appointment of Dr. Oyun Sanjaasuren as the new Chair of GWP, effective July 1, 2016. Dr. Oyun is a Member of Parliament of Mongolia, former Minister of Environment and Green Development, and former Minister of Foreign Affairs. She currently serves as President of the United Nations Environment Assembly of UNEP.

/ Global

GWP Launches Paper on Water and the SDGs

The inclusion of a water goal in the the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) puts the responsibility for linking water to other development sectors firmly in the hands of water policy makers and practitioners. GWP’s Technical Background Paper No. 22 addresses the implementation of the water goal in the context of an integrated, cross-sectoral approach.

/ Central America, Global

Youth Network Born in Central America

A regional water youth network was created by participants to the recent Youth for Water Conference organised by GWP Central America, Movimiento de Jóvenes por el Agua (Youth Movement for Water, MOJA) and La Ruta del Clima (The Climate Route) and supported by GWP South America, UNICEF-Nicaragua, Reforestamos Mexico, and IUCN. 

/ Global, South America

Nicole Bernex Explains Santa Eulalia

Dr. Nicole Bernex is a Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and a Member of the GWP Technical Committee. She has been active in the GWP network for many years, the past ten of them through GWP Peru. When asked to talk about a topic close to her heart, Dr. Bernex chooses a project that GWP has been running successfully in Peru for the past two years, the Santa Eulalia Water, Climate and Development Programme.

/ Eastern Africa, Global

GWP launched its 20th anniversary video

To commemorate GWP’s 20th anniversary, a 2-minute video has been produced explaining – without words – the challenges of the world’s water crises and GWP’s answer: join our network so that all stakeholders can work in partnership to secure water for sustainable development.