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/ South Asia

A new Interim Chair for GWP SAS; Mr Sardar Muhhamad Tariq

The Regional Council of GWP SAS nominated the Executive Director/CEO of GWP Pakistan/Pakistan Water Partnership (PWP), Mr Sardar Muhammad Tariq as the new Regional Chair (Interim), starting from 15 January 2024 through the end of the year.
/ West Africa

CWP Niger and ARSEau work together to improve collaboration

A delegation from Niger's Country Water Partnership ((CWP) led by its Chair, Dr. Nazoumou YAHAYA, accompanied by Mr. Sani Ayouba, CWP Treasurer, was received this Thursday, February 1, 2024 by the Director General of the Water Sector Regulatory Authority (ARSEau), Mr. Almoustapha Garba. Almoustapha Garba, accompanied by Mr. Arzaké Ibrahim Abdoulaye, Head of the Technical Facilities Department, and Dr. Ibrahim Diolombi MAHAMADOU, Head of Communication and Public Relations Unit of ARSEau.
/ China

Call For Inputs to the 24th IAHR-APD Congress 2024 in China

The 24th IAHR-APD Congress will be kicked off on October 14-17, 2024 in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. It is hosted by International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research Asia and Pacific Division (IAHR-APD), organized by Changjiang River Scientific Research Insititute (CRSRI) and Sichuan University (SCU), and jointly supported by GWP China Yangtze River Basin Water Partnership.
/ Southern Africa

Progressos notáveis registados na gestão de cheias e secas em BUPUSA

Os governos de Moçambique e do Zimbabué registaram progressos notáveis na construção de resiliência contra os choques climáticos, incluindo cheias e secas nas Bacias dos Rios Búzi, Pungoé e Save (BUPUSA), partilhadas exclusivamente pelos dois países.
/ South Asia

The Gonadika women managing food security

“I am glad that within this short period, I was able to harvest more than 50 kilograms of cassava from the plot allocated to me which I shared with my fellow farmer families and sold the rest in the village market. I especially thank GWP Sri Lanka/SLWP for being with us from the beginning and supporting us in finding planting materials and training us on water efficient home gardening”.