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/ China

GWP Vice Chair Tells Water Stories on Science TV

October 30, 2022, GWP China vice Chair, Hao WANG, moderated Science Programme of Beijing TV and told audiences about ‘South-North Water Division’, ‘Sponge City Development’, and their impact on our daily life.
/ Central Africa

Youth and Civil Society Organizations in Central Africa trained on the GWP IWRM Toolbox

About eighty representatives of youth and civil society organizations working in the water and climate sector in Congo, Cameroon, Chad, and the Central African Republic have received training on how the GWP IWRM toolbox can improve their involvement in Integrated Water Resources Management processes across the region.
/ Southern Africa

Sharing Lesotho’s ICM experiences at the 23rd WaterNet/WARFSA/GWPSA Symposium

From October 19-21, ReNOKA is joining the policymakers, academics, and water practitioners at the 23rd WaterNet/WARFSA/GWPSA Symposium at Sun City Conference Centre in Rustenburg, South Africa where they will unpack the regional issues and gaps in water management and identify priorities that require further research and support.
/ Eastern Africa


The Third Regional Steering Committee for the DRESS-EA project took place on 12th October 2022, in Nairobi, Kenya. This meeting was attended by a cross section of representatives from the Governments of the four National Executing Entities of the project namely:Djibouti, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda; the Regional Executing Entity which is GWPEA and the representatives of Regional Implementing Entity, which is Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS)
/ West Africa

Senegal, protection, restoration and sustainable development of water-related ecosystems in the department of Saint-Louis: what roles and initiatives for civil society

The department of Saint-Louis has a large reserve of coastal, continental and artificial wetlands, including the Langue de Barbarie, mudflats, lakes, etc. Indeed, of the nine (9) sites in Senegal included in the list of wetlands of international importance (Ramsar sites), five (5) are located in the Saint-Louis region. These wetlands are currently facing anthropic and climatic constraints.