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/ Southern Africa

SADC promotes climate-resilient Integrated Water Resources Management in Tanzania

The Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), in collaboration with the Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA), implemented a climate-resilient integrated water management pilot project in the Wami/Ruvu Basin, in Tanzania, that is aimed at helping communities living within the Basin adapt to the adverse effects of climate change.
/ Southern Africa

SADC Commended for Supporting a Malawi Community with a Water, Energy, and Food Nexus Project

Kamuisa village in Dedza district is just a few meters from Lake Malawi, the fifth largest freshwater body in the world, and yet the community could not produce enough food to last all year round. The community could not cultivate enough during the rainy season and did not have the infrastructure to collect water from the lake. The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat came in to support the community to establish a climate-resilient water, energy, and food nexus project that would utilise water from the lake for irrigation of various crops and domestic use.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

Summer School 2023: Healthy and Resilient Catchments – From Science to Action

Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe, as a partner of the EU Horizon 2020 OPTAIN project, organized its 2023 Summer School for 21 selected MSc and PhD students and graduates, working in the field of water management. The selected students represented the countries of Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Hungary, Iran, Kosovo, Lithuania, Norway, Philippines, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sri Lanka and Turkey.
/ Central Africa

GWP-Central African Republic appoints a new Chair

Following a unanimous decision of the steering committee of the Central African Republic Country Water Partnership (CWP CAR), the Director General of Water Resources, Mr. Barnabé FALIBA, was appointed chair of GWP-CAR, with Madam Yvette NDONGA as the vice chair.