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/ Eastern Africa

Sudan and Slovakia Water Partnerships Collaborate

Cooperation between GWP Slovakia and the Eastern Africa region has been in existence for quite some time. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed in Khartoum in March to outline the next steps of collaboration.

/ Caribbean

GWP-C Produces New Caribbean Rainwater Harvesting Case Study

The Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) with support from the Global Water Partnership (GWP), has produced a new case study entitled “Mainstreaming Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) to Build Climate Resilience in the Caribbean Water Sector.”

/ Southeast Asia

Asia Water Council

Three-day AWC First General Assembly-Summary Report
Reported by HE Mr. Watt Botkosal
Regional Chair, GWPSEA on 30 March 2016



The 1st Asia Water Council General Assembly was hosted and Co-organized by Ministry of Public Works and Housing and AWC Secretariat on 24-26 March 2016, Nusa Dua Beach Hotel and Spa, Bali, Indonesia. The AWC was established by 15 Founders of Countries and international Agencies since the 7th World Water Week in Korea. The AWC aims to raise global awareness of Asia’s water problems and promote the sustainable development of Asia by resolving regional water issues. The General Assembly aimed to discuss the AWC Constitution and the operation plan for the AWC and to share the commitments from Founders. The General Assembly was attended by about 200 participants from about 50 organizations including Minister, Vice-Minister, Directors General, Directors, Chairpersons, AWC Secretariat, national and international organizations from Asia, Europe, Africa, and Australia such as UNESCO-IHP, FAO, and ADB (Asian Development Bank), KOICA,  Representative of GWP SEA, Country Water Partnership of Indonesia, national agencies etc. 


/ Central Africa

Towards the establishment of Early Warning System in the Lake Chad Basin area.

GWP-CAf Staff made a four days working visit to the Executive Secretariat of Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC), which took place from 22 to 25 of March 2016, in Ndjamena, Chad.


The main objective of this visit was to finalize the ToRs and tender document for the development of a project on the establishment of an Early Warning System. The visit ended with the approval of the Terms of Reference (ToR) of the project entitled “Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning Systems (EWS) for Climate Resilient Development and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Lake Chad Basin area”. 

/ Eastern Africa

Training on Applying IWRM Tools for Drought Risk Management

Global Water Partnership Eastern Africa in partnership with Nile IWRM Net/Cap-Net are organizing a training on applying Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) tools for Drought Risk Management. The training will take place in Nairobi, Kenya, 20-24 June 2016. It is open for a maximum of 30 participants from the Eastern Africa region.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

GWP Bulgaria celebrates World Water Day

GWP Bulgaria organized the third National Consultation Dialogue on Drought during the World Water Day celebrations on 22 March 2016 in Sofia.

/ Global

Cleveringa and the GWP Change Agenda

The Executive Secretary of GWP, Rudolph Cleveringa, says that GWP as a network needs to change: “We can’t use the same agenda as we did 20 years ago”. Approaching World Water Day 2016, Cleveringa takes a moment to reflect on GWP’s 20 years in the water world and talks about his vision on how to make the network fit for the future – local inclusion and diversity are words he uses to make his point.