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/ West Africa

TFTC 2 facilitates bio agro cultures festival in Togo

YVE Togo implementing the phase 2 of the #TonFuturTonClimat project in Togo has organised from 27 to 30 October 2021, the youth festival (Festival AgroBioCulture) which aims to promote agroecology among young people and farmers in Grand Kloto and to promote local consumption.
/ West Africa

Mekrou project validate first studies reports

The Ministry of Water and Sanitation (MHA) through the Permanent Secretariat of PANGIRE, in collaboration with the Global Water Partnership in West Africa (GWP-WA) and the Country Water Partnership of Niger (CWP-Niger), has organised a regional workshop for the restitution and validation of the first results of the missions on the:
/ West Africa

Risks mapping in the Volta basin, VFDM train technicians

The development of the VOLTALARM Early warning system-based platform myDEWETRA as one of the activities of the VFDM project requires to develop flood and drought risk maps in each of the Volta Basin countries using the newly collected information and the existing one available from global, national and local agencies as well as other projects in the region.
/ West Africa

VFDM organize national workshops on Gender mainstreaming

The Volta Flood and Doright Management (VFDM) project held two national training workshops on Gender mainstreaming in End-to-End Early Warning System for flood forecasting and integrated flood risk management in the volta basin on 11 to 14 October 2021 in Wa and from 18 to 21 October 2021 in Tamale, Northern Ghana.
/ Global

GWP @COP 26: It’s a wrap

The world’s most significant annual summit on climate change, COP26, came to an end on 12 November after two weeks of discussions and meetings to tackle some of the globe’s most pressing problems.
/ Central America, Global

Towards IWRM Action Plans in Panama and Nicaragua

Panama and Nicaragua are one step closer to formulating IWRM Action Plans. During the month of October, both countries’ Ministries of Environment carried out national IWRM Action Plan consultations to identify and formulate priority measures to respond to the challenges of water resources management, with technical and financial support from GWP Central America.
/ Mediterranean

“If Nexus can succeed here, it can work anywhere”: The REXUS project is tackling Nexus challenges in ambitious pilot cases

GWP-Med is leading the “Pathways to Impact” Work Package in the Horizon 2020 REXUS project, coordinating communication and dissemination activities. The 1st plenary meeting, which took place on 21 and 27 October 2021, brought together more than 60 participants from over 20 institutions, sharing advances on various pieces of the REXUS ‘jigsaw puzzle’ which is coming together to create new blueprint for applying the Water-Energy-Food-Climate Nexus.
/ Global

Water ChangeMakers take global stage at COP 26

The journey of our 2020 Water ChangeMakers came to a powerful end on 8 November at COP26, as they took to the global stage to present messages of urgency – and hope – to world leaders.
/ Global

At COP26, GWP marks financing success for water and climate action

GWP was actively involved during the first week of the COP 26 climate summit in Glasgow – ensuring that delegates and other participants understand the critical priority of catalysing climate-resilient development, integrated resilience planning, and facilitating access to climate finance for investments in water. This effort has been amplified through the Water and Climate Pavilion in the Blue Zone, offering up to 100 events on water and climate over the course of two weeks.