
This is the full archive of news articles and reports on GWP activities around the world.

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/ China

High-Level Roundtable on Water in China

The High-Level Roundtable on Water Resources Management System Development in China was organized by GWP China on April 20, 2012, in Beijing. The meeting aimed at establishing water management mechanisms with well-defined duties, rights and responsibilities, coordination mechanisms for the development of river basins, and facilitating stricter and better water management through the integrated water resources management approach.

The Future We Want

The GWP network has been invited by an initiative called “The Future We Want” to contribute solutions for Rio+20. The Future We Want is a global initiative to move beyond negative visions of the future and focus on the sustainability solutions that are ready to be implemented by 2030.

/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Mediterranean, Southern Africa, West Africa

Africa Develops Response to Climate Change Threat to Water Security

Launching of a Strategic Framework at Africa Water Week 2012

In an effort to address the twin challenges of water security and climate change, the African Ministers Council on Water launched The Strategic Framework for Water Security and Climate Resilient Development on May 14, 2012, at the Africa Water Week, in Cairo, Egypt.

(Photo: Honorable S.S. Nkomo, Vice President of the African Minsters Council on Water, and Minister of Water Resources and Development, Zimbabwe and GWP Executive Secretary Dr Ania Grobicki)

Water ‒  helping to grow the green economy, GWP contributes to Stockholm+40

Water, the vital source of life, is a cross-cutting resource, water an essential component in building sustainable energy, food and health systems – sustainable livelihoods; yet water lacks recognition among the development sectors and policy makers; it is impossible to reach our vision of a water secure world if we continue to manage water in the future the same way as we do today; we need to stop the fragmentation of its management we need to act now for water for the future: these were some of the points raised at the roundtable the Global Water Partnership organised together with Stockholm International Water Institute at the Swedish Government Stockholm+40 conference on 23-25 April 2012.

/ Central America

El Salvador Water Bill Goes to Congress

To celebrate World Water Day, the President of El Salvador through the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, presented the General Water Bill to the National Congress on the 22nd of March. The Bill recognizes the human right to water. GWP El Salvador has been advocating for this billfor several years.

/ Mediterranean

Non-Conventional Techniques for Water Reuse in the Mediterranean

GWP Mediterranean presented the Non-Conventional Water Resources Programme in the Mediterranean at the World Water Forum in Marseille. The programme is implemented together with partner institutions, organisations and companies. It aims at advancing the use of Non-Conventional Water Resources in water scarce communities in the Mediterranean, as a cost-effective method for water availability and climate change adaptation. The traditional rainwater harvesting method is used and improved when combined with innovative techniques and methods.

Linking Good Water Governance And Financing

Until recently it was rare for water professionals to consider financing issues. Water advocacy and plans were often aspirational – neglecting to show where the money would come from, how activities would be financed or who would pay for them. It was as if finance was somebody else’s problem. Likewise, people from the finance sector have not given great importance to water related issues. However, this situation is changing and finance is becoming an essential topic in water management circles.

/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa

Stakeholder Consultations in Bugesera Transboundary Basin shared by Rwanda and Burundi

Within the framework of implementing the climate change related commitments of the Sharm el-Sheikh Declaration on Water and Sanitation, GWP and AMCOW are implementing the Water Climate Development programe (WACDEP). The WACDEP aims to support African countries develop No/low regrets Water Security and Climate Resilience Investment Strategies, Plans and projects, and promote the integration of water security and climate resilience into national development plans.

/ China

Policy needs for IWRM identified in China

Participants at the High-Level Roundtable on Water Resources Management System Development in China, organised in April 2012 by GWP China, discussed the setting up of a water resources management system with well-defined duties, rights and responsibilities, standard and collaborative operations, and coordination mechanisms for river basin and regional development, using the IWRM approach.