
This is the full archive of news articles and reports on GWP activities around the world.

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/ Central and Eastern Europe

The Danube basin recognised as a political and economic space

In April, GWP Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and GWP Hungary organised a workshop that brought Baltic Region Strategy experiences to the newly formed Danube Region Strategy. The workshop, Parallels: Water Resources Management Aspects of European Union Strategies for Baltic Sea and Danube Regions, held in April 2011, built on previous GWP work on strategy development and focused on new financing mechanisms for macro-regional economic development.

/ South Asia

GWP India Contributes to Government Water Charter

On Wednesday the 6th of April 2011 the Union Cabinet Ministers of India approved a comprehensive charter for the National Water Mission, one of the eight national missions which form the core of the National Action Plan for Climate Change.

/ West Africa

Volta Basin Development Challenge

The Challenge Programme for Water and Food (CPWF) research in the Volta basin has been developed to respond to challenges in the river basin of “improving rainwater and small reservoir management to contribute to poverty reduction, and improved livelihoods resilience in Burkina Faso and Northern Ghana while taking account of implications for downstream water users including ecosystem services”.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

European conference about IWRM

GWP representatives from Bulgaria, Romania and Moldova attended the "Integrated Water Management in the Balkans and Eastern Europe" Conference on 20-23 March in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Participants from 15 countries shared experiences and best practices in the field of integrated water management and climate change and discussed major topics regarding regional and transboundary waters.

/ Southern Africa

Demystifying Climate Finance in Southern Africa

GWP Southern Africa is actively involved with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Water Division and other Partners in preparations for the 5th SADC Multi-stakeholder Water Dialogue which will be held in Swaziland in June 2011.

/ Central America

GWP Central America signs agreement with Regional Bank

For the first time, GWP Central America signed an agreement with a regional development bank to advance IWRM as an essential approach for water security, climate change and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in the region.

Water and finance inseparable

Since 2007, GWP and the EU Water Initiative Finance Working Group (EUWI-FWG) have worked together to organise workshops across the world to raise awareness and build capacity on financing for water and sanitation.

/ South Asia

Building capacity among water users in Rajasthan

The new State Water Policy of Rajasthan, the largest state in India by area, puts the emphasis on two components: an integrated water resources management approach and the efficient working of Water User Groups (WUG). During 2010, GWP India with the support of its Northern Zone Water Partner, organized two workshops for the capacity building of NGOs involved in the implementation of the new policy.