
This is the full archive of news articles and reports on GWP activities around the world.

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/ Mediterranean

Encouraging participation in transboundary water resources

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia share the Sava River Basin. As the after effects of the devastating war in the region have subsided, these countries have started to cooperate on environmental issues.

/ Mediterranean

Shared vision for the Drin Basin draws closer

The Drin Dialogue, a systematic process coordinated by GWP Mediterranean, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and other actors, has advanced consultation among Drin Basin countries and stakeholders on a shared vision for sustainable management.

/ Mediterranean

Private sector investment issues for water assessed

As part of ongoing national policy dialogues in Egypt and Lebanon within the framework of MED-EUWI and the GEF MedPartnership, GWP Mediterranean and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) assessed issues for governments to consider regarding private sector investment in the water sector.

/ Mediterranean

IWRM and Coastal Zone Management framework established

The integrated methodological framework (IMF) for integrated water resources management and integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) in the Mediterranean was finalised in 2010, the outcome of specialist technical work and extensive consultation.

Drought Programme Under Preparation

GWP, together with the World Meteorological  Organization (WMO) organised a Consultation Meeting on the Proposed Integrated Drought Management Programme in Geneva, Switzerland, 15-16 November 2010.

/ Caribbean, South America

Raising Awareness Among Media

Media is often a critical link between policymakers and the public. The media focus on environmental issues is increasing, especially in light of the global interest in climate change. This is why GWP regularly organizes awareness-raising workshops for journalists. GWP South America and GWP Caribbean recently organised workshops as a first step to creating journalist networks for knowledge sharing in water resources management.

/ South Asia

Climate Dialogue in Sri Lanka

In November 2010, GWP Sri Lanka organised a Climate Change Adaptation National Dialogue, a joint activity with the Centre for Climate Change Studies of the Department of Meteorology, the Disaster Management Centre, and the Ministry of Disaster Management. The Dialogue was a follow up to two earlier activities undertaken with respect to the Southern and North Central Provinces of Sri Lanka.

/ Caribbean

IWRM for Sustainable Agriculture

‘Closing the Knowledge Gap: Integrated Water Resources Management for Sustainable Agriculture’ was the theme of an  international seminar in Johannesburg, South Africa, November 22-26, 2010, which sought to discuss strategies for developing comprehensive information and knowledge support systems in integrated water management for productive agriculture in Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states.