
This is the full archive of news articles and reports on GWP activities around the world.

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/ Central Asia and Caucasus

Study informs report on water security

GWP CACENA made the first study of water supply and sanitation in the eight CACENA countries from an IWRM perspective.

/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, West Africa

Report Urges a Better Way to do Development

Sustainable development requires multi-stakeholder partnerships. That is the message of a new report on water security in Africa published by the Global Water Partnership. (Photo: GWP Executive Secretary Dr Ania Grobicki and Hon Buyelwa P. Sonjica, AMCOW President and Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs in South Africa)

/ Central Africa

IWRM Planning in Cameroon

Abundant freshwater resources caracterise Cameroon, yet the country faces severe water challenges as a result of management, legal and institutional deficiencies. Due to the fragmented water sector, development in Cameroon goes slowly. To increase the sustainability of water resources management, Cameroon has embarked on a process towards developing integrated water resources management plans.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

Guidelines for Water Management

Located in the Baltic Sea Basin, water quality management is one of the Poland's key issues, creating problems for people’s livelihoods and the environment. Due to year-to-year variability in its water resources, devastating floods and local water scarcities are frequent. 

/ Central Asia and Caucasus

Central Asia Towards Transboundary IWRM

Key challenges in Central Asia are the degradation of ecosystems and increasing water deficiency. It is a region of scarce water resources, many of which cut across national borders. The intensive use of the limited resources leads to conflicts of interest, making transboundary water resources management crucial to the sustainability of the region’s resources.

/ West Africa

Benin’s National IWRM Action Plan in Progress

Benin in West Africa belongs to the group of Least Developed Countries (LDC) with a low per capita GDP. Its economy is predominantly dependant on subsistence farming (extensive cotton production) and regional trade. The country is drained by a dense hydrographical network made up of seasonal flow rivers and less than 3% of its renewable water resources are currently used.

/ Central Asia and Caucasus

Helping put water laws into practice

Building on the adoption of new water laws by Kazakhstan in 2003, Armenia in 2007 and Uzbekistan in 2009, GWP Central Asia and Caucasus (CACENA) pressed on to help put laws into practice.

/ South Asia

GWP Pakistan Responds to Flood Catastrophe

While Pakistan endures one of the country’s most devastating floods—possibly its worst ever—GWP Pakistan is joining with others to help provide relief and rehabilitation to remote communities that have been particularly hard-hit. In addition, the GWP Partner Hisaar Foundation and the Karachi Water Partnership, has launched an appeal to raise Rs 10 million for immediate flood relief, largely for the provision of safe drinking water.

/ Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, West Africa

AMCOW recognises GWP's contribution

At the June 2010 meeting of the African Minister’s Council on Water (AMCOW) GWP's work for advancing the water agenda on the continent was recognised. The AMCOW Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) appreciated GWP's contribution and gave GWP an additional mandate to work in four key areas: