
This is the full archive of news articles and reports on GWP activities around the world.

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/ Southern Africa

GWP at Africa Water Week

This week in Midrand (9-13 November), South Africa, the Global Water Partnership's five Africa regional offices and its Mediterranean one are working with key allies to translate Africa's commitments on water into action. At the top of the agenda is financing water infrastructure, water supply and sanitation and climate change adaptation.

Comunicado de Prensa: El agua se evapora del texto de negociaciones del cambio climático.

3‐11‐2009, El agua se evapora del texto de negociaciones del cambio climático Gobiernos, agencias de Naciones Unidas, ONGs internacionales y la sociedad civil defienden reunidos hoy en Barcelona en la celebración del Día del Agua (Water Day), para instar a los negociadores a considerar el papel crítico que el agua juega en la adaptación al cambio climático.

/ Central Africa

IWRM incorporated into urban management in Cameroon

Although integrating IWRM into existing management structures is a long-term endeavour, taking a consultative approach raises awareness, fosters community participation and encourages different sectors to coordinate their efforts.

Water aid can solve the crisis

The solutions of many of the problems caused by climate change are within the sectors of society which manage water. Adaptation to climate change is about water and development – yet the world’s aid to improving water security decreases. Sweden must push to make sure that water issues are not overlooked in the climate change debate – and now or never is what it is all about, write water experts at Sida, UNDP, GWP, UN-Water, Stockholm Water House, and Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)

Article published in the Swedish Newspaper Svenska Dagbladet on 3 November 2009,

This is a translation from Swedish.