GWP-IWC Masters Scholarships Now Open

The International WaterCentre (IWC), in collaboration with GWP, is currently offering full scholarships (tuition fees and living expenses) for two high calibre candidates from developing countries to study the Master of Integrated Water Management programme (MIWM) in Australia next year.

The aim of the collaboration between GWP and IWC is to support women water leaders from countries within the GWP network in their postgraduate studies in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). This initiative is part of the GWP gender strategy, in line with the Dublin Principle that women should  "play a central part in the provision, management and safeguarding of water”.

Successful candidates are expected to assist with implementing GWP’s strategic goal of addressing global, regional and local water challenges around the world. These scholarships are aimed primarily at women who need to acquire specialist knowledge of integrated approaches to managing water resources.

The GWP Strategy emphasizes that knowledge is crucial for empowering individuals to participate meaningfully in achieving a water secure world. In line with GWP’s gender strategy, these scholarships aim at female professionals already working in the water sector. The goal is to achieve a gender balanced representation especially relating to national policy development across the GWP regions.

Since 2012, the GWP has already supported three women from Bangladesh, Indonesia and Laos to attend the MIWM programme in Australia. Read their stories on the IWC website:

Reba Paul


Reba Paul (Bangladesh): "I hold a very high vision for my future career in the water sector."


Elisabeth Tarigan

Elisabeth Tarigan (Indonesia): "I would really like to be active in the strategic and policy-making aspects of water resources management issues in Jakarta."

 Vanh Mixap 

 Vanh Mixap (Laos): "I believe this programme will help my family, my community, my country and the world."


For more information about the programme and instructions on how to apply for the scholarships, please visit IWC website: Applications close on 1 August 2014.

About the International WaterCentre

IWC became a partner organisation of GWP in 2012, and a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the two organisations. IWC is based in Brisbane and was founded by four leading Australian universities: The University of Queensland (UQ), Griffith University, Monash University and the University of Western Australia. IWC coordinates the delivery of the Master of Integrated Water Management (MIWM). While students enrol at UQ, modules are jointly delivered by industry experts and lecturers from IWC’s founding member universities. Students also receive a co-badged degree from all four universities.

Top photo: Reba Paul and her classmates.