GWP Caribbean Spearheads Launch of New Tools for Caribbean Water Sector

As part of a two-day Meeting of Regional Partners in Water and Wastewater, GWP Caribbean, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Caribbean Regional Coordinating Unit (UNEP-CAR/RCU) and the Global Environment Facility’s Caribbean Regional Fund for Wastewater Management (GEF CReW) partnered to host a special Knowledge Sharing Session on New Tools and Resources for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the Caribbean.

The session took place on 29 April 2014 in Barbados and sought to highlight and launch recently developed Caribbean IWRM knowledge products which focus on tools geared toward building climate resilience in the Caribbean water sector, as well as resources for wastewater sector professionals.

Providing an overview of the importance of such a session was Ms. Judy Daniel, Chair of GWP Caribbean, who delivered the opening remarks at the event. Key to the event was the launch of tools and knowledge products developed under the Caribbean Climate Online Risk and Adaptation Tool (CCORAL)-Water initiative.

The CCORAL-Water initiative is a key part of the GWP-C Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP). The initiative is a joint collaboration between GWP Caribbean and the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC), funded by the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) with the main aim of providing practical and user-friendly tools for climate resilient decision-making for the Caribbean water sector. Moreover, the initiative builds upon the CCORAL, an online support system for climate resilient decision-making; a platform hosted by the CCCCC.

The Knowledge Sharing Session provided the ideal platform to launch various resources developed under the CCORAL-Water initiative which included a sourcebook for the Caribbean water sector entitled “Achieving Development Resilient to Climate Change” and four information briefs on the following:

  • A summary of the Sourcebook
  • Using the CCORAL in the context of water management
  • Financing climate resilience in the water sector
  • No low regret options for climate resilience

The session was also able to showcase a variety of tools and resources from the United Nations Environment Programme, Caribbean Regional Coordinating Unit (UNEP-CAR/RCU) and the Global Environment Facility’s Caribbean Regional Fund for Wastewater Management (GEF CReW). These resources included: wastewater videos, materials, manuals, case studies, models, databases and more.

The session saw the participation of over 30 representatives from national and regional organisations in water and related sectors.

Photo: The Knowledge Sharing Session took place in Barbados.