Sustainable Sanitation Networking in Slovenia

A sustainable sanitation workshop was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 4-5 April. The event drew parallels among different toolboxes and programmes and enabled networking among experts in the GWP Central and Eastern Europe region.

21 persons from 10 Central and Eastern Europe countries participated in the event. They represented different levels of sustainable sanitation stakeholders; from ministries, universities and institutes, NGOs and SMEs. 7 GWP representatives also attended the event.

One part of the workshop was a tailored training course which presented the fundamentals of sustainable sanitation principals and looked at planning and optimization through the use of the Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management (SSWM) Toolbox.

In the second part of the workshop, the participants got familiar with the GWP Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) Programme and the Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) ToolBox. The third part of the workshop was a presentation of national case studies on sustainable sanitation from selected countries and sharing experiences among the participants.

A project proposal on sustainable sanitation in small settlements in Central and Eastern Europe was presented and discussed and conclusions for further work were made.

Guidebook “Natural Technologies of Wastewater Treatment”

At the workshop, a new guidebook “Natural Technologies of Wastewater Treatment” was promoted and disseminated.

The Guidebook was prepared by the sustainable sanitation task force of GWP Central and Eastern Europe, in cooperation with a research group from T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute from the Czech Republic. It was reviewed by two international experts on natural treatment technologies and was finalised in March 2014.

The guidebook comprises a broad overview of available natural technologies for treatment of wastewater from small settlements and will be a useful tool for university lecturers and practitioners or developers of natural treatment technologies. The Guidebook is published in English and Czech and it is available in electronic version on CDs and will be also available online on the GWP Central and Eastern Europe website soon.