Chinese Focus on Climate Change, Flood Control and Rain Water

GWP China addressed issues connected to climate change, flood control and use of rainwater in a workshop held in Baoding, in the Hebei Province, on 26-27 November 2013.

More flood disasters happened in some of the main rivers in the Hebei Province in the flood season of 2012. To address some of problems arising from this, GWP China Hebei wanted to highlight the importance of improving skills related to water security during flood season.

Governmental organisations were invited to the workshop, which was organised in cooperation with the Hebei Provincial Hydraulic Engineering Society. The theme also covered measures on optimizing the use of rain water to mitigate risks of rain and flood under the climate change in the province.

Invited experts introduced their research results under the topics of "Strategies of Flood Risks Control and Optimized Use of Rain Water" as well as "Measures for Meteorological Disasters", among others.

The participants also exchanged experiences and lessons learnt. An outcome of the workshop was a draft proposal to be submitted to the related governmental departments for their consideration when developing the policies and strategies of the Hebei Province.

Photo: The Hebei Province has been hard hit by floods.