Indonesian Lecturers Learn about IWRM ToolBox

26 lecturers from Indonesian universities recently met in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, together with GWP representatives for a workshop on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) ToolBox.

The objective was to expand the use of IWRM ToolBox in university education and research institutions in Indonesia, and to discuss the development of case studies and potential technical focus papers based on Indonesian experiences.

The workshop was held on 20-22 March 2014, organised by Global Water Partnership in cooperation with the Indonesia Water Partnership (InaWP), one of the Country Water Partnerships of GWP Southeast Asia.

Meeting Reality

First on the workshop agenda was a visit to two dams in Yogyakarta, the Sermo Reservoir Dam and Srowol Sabo Dam. Sermo Reservoir Dam provides for drinking water supply, irrigation and hydropower, and the Srowol Sabo Dam is a specific infrastructure facility to trap sediments and debris whenever volcanic eruptions occur. Java Island is especially prone to frequent volcanic eruptions.

The visit gave the lecturers an opportunity to see the real situation of water resources management systems in Yogyakarta. The lecturers were also briefed by GWP Southeast Asia Regional Coordinator, Mr. Djoko Sasongko, on GWP’s work worldwide.

Exchanging Experiences

The rest of the workshop was focused on presentations by the lecturers about the study programmes related to water and IWRM in their universities. They also outlined how the universities will benefit from including IWRM ToolBox in the education curricula. It became apparent that most of the universities already have well established study programmes on water and IWRM. The inclusion of the IWRM ToolBox will therefore be useful and well accepted.

GWP Senior Knowledge Management Officer Dr. Danka Thalmeinerova presented IWRM ToolBox case studies from all the regions of GWP, especially from Indonesia. This was followed by group discussions on how to prepare proposals for new case studies. Each group prepared 3 - 4 case study proposals and agreed to finalize the cases for future inclusion in IWRM ToolBox.

Photo: The workshop particpants on the field trip.