Technical Background Papers Available in Spanish

Three more GWP Technical Background Papers are now also available in Spanish. GWP’s library of publications written by the Technical Committee is growing, and there are currently 18 background papers. Many of them have been translated into several languages.

The latest Spanish language versions are of Technical Background Papers no. 16, 17 and 18.

TEC paper cover 16 SpanishNo. 16 is entitled “Integrated Urban Water Management”. This paper helps to understand the shift from an approach that attempts to manage different aspects of urban water cycle in isolation to an integrated approach. Click on the image to access pdf of the Spanish translation.

TEC paper cover 17 SpanishNo. 17 is on “International Law - Facilitating Transboundary Water Cooperation”. It explores how international law facilitates transboundary cooperation in a manner that is accessible to the wider transboundary water community. Click on the image to access pdf of the Spanish translation.

TEC Background Paper 18No. 18 is called “The Economic Value of Moving Toward a More Water Secure World”. The paper addresses the issue on how to prioritize investments in water security when public financial resources are limited. Which aspects are most critical for enabling growth? Click on the image to access pdf of the Spanish translation.

All of GWP publications are produced by the GWP Technical Committee. Apart from the background papers, there are also a variety of other technical papers, policy briefs, perspectives papers, and technical focus papers.

All the resources produced by the Technical Committee advocate for better water resources management through an integrated approach. All material is free and accessible online. Hardcopies can be requested by using our online order form.