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/ Handbooks/Manuals/Guidelines / English

How to Communicate Drought in a changing climate?

Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe develops a Guide on How to Communicate Drought within its Integrated Drought Management Programme in Central and Eastern Europe, which aims to enhance the communication between water professionals and media expert about the issue of drought.
/ Corporate publications, WACDEP publications / English

Mobilising Change Makers

Water, Climate and Development Programme
/ Perspectives papers / English

Sharing Water

The role of robust water-sharing arrangements in integrated water resources management.
/ Reports/proceedings / English

Promoting menstrual hygiene management awareness in Sri Lanka

GWP Sri Lanka conducted an awareness raising on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) among adolescent girls through a programme organised at a girls’ school, Matale on 5 July as part of their Water Messenger Programme planned under the Core Activities.
/ Reports/proceedings / English

WASH-Climate Resilience training in South Asia

A climate resilient, WASH and Climate financing training was held from 16-18 July in Kathmandu, Nepal convened by UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA). It is a collaboration between UNICEF ROSA, UNICEF Headquarters (Water and Climate Team), and the Global Water Partnership (GWP).