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/ Case studies / English

Siphon Irrigation for Farmer Communities in Lingmutey-Chu Basin in Bhutan (#496)

Water is needed for drinking and irrigation purposes and paradoxically, in Bhutan water shortages occur despite the presence of sufficient resources. In order to provide irrigation water to farmers living in upper slopes and hilltops in Lingmutey-chu who faced issues in accessing water in 2014, a siphon project was initiated by GWP Bhutan/Royal Society for Protection of Nature in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forest in Bhutan. 

/ Case studies / English

Disaster Risk Reduction through Climate Change Adaptation in Aranayake, Sri Lanka (#495)

Aranayake, a secluded agricultural area known mainly for tea and spice cultivation, came to the limelight for tragic reasons with the Samasara landslide of May 2015. Caused partly due to climate change and partly due to anthropogenic influences, the landslide was a result of 6 days of constant high intensity rains. The incident also caused the highest number of casualties ever recorded in a Sri Lankan landslide.

/ Corporate publications / English

Annual Financial Report 2017

The Steering Committee and the Executive Secretary of Global Water Partnership present the annual financial report of 2017.
/ Corporate publications / English

A book on Sri Lanka’s history of irrigation

The book “Hela Wari Purawatha” – a research on Sri Lanka’s history of irrigation from the beginning to modern times in Sinhala was launched by the Mahaweli Centre, and presented to President Maithripala Sirisena at President’s office on the 19 June 2018.
/ Brochures, IWRM tools, Technical background papers / English

Running Water

A selection of newsletters from GWP West Africa.
/ Briefing notes, Technical briefs / English

Strategies and Policies for Water Security

As an academic knowledge product, “Strategies and Policies for Water Security” is prevailing as it reflects comprehensive and objective data and information of water, food, energy, environment and ecology.
/ Reports/proceedings / English

World Water Development Report in China

The World Water Development Report (WWDR) has played a key role in informing stakeholders, including decision-makers, worldwide as to the status of water resources in relation to the UN World Water Day themes each year.
/ Case studies / English

Application of Modelling to Investigate Irrigation Conflicts Between Small Farmers of Bajrabarahi, Nepal (#494)

Nepal has vast water resources and approximately 67% of its cultivated land can be irrigated. Out of the 1.7 million ha of Nepal’s irrigable land, 78% has been provided with some irrigation infrastructure. Irrigation is vital to Nepal, especially as the country is facing climate change impacts such as rise in temperature and more erratic rainfall patterns, which is creating prolonged periods of droughts and jeopardising the agricultural production nationwide. As the supply of water for agriculture becomes more variable, water resource competition and water conflicts across the country are equally becoming increasingly visible. The Bajrabarahi Village Municipality is one of those rural communities where water conflicts have been clearly on the rise over the last decade.