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/ Other / English

Video Game

The Alter Aqua Video Game is a tool to raise awareness and sensitize primary and secondary school students on the use of Non Conventional Water Resources and the importance of saving water every day!
/ Technical Focus Papers / English

New Paper on Transboundary Water Management in Central America

The Central America region is generously endowed with water resources, but concerns are growing about water scarcity in parts of the region. This can mean both a physical lack of water and a lack of mechanisms and actions for effectively managing, allocating, and developing water resources. A new GWP Technical Focus Paper focuses on these issues.
/ Other / English

Awareness Raising on Basin Management Approach

On 28 September 2016, the CamboWP conducted Awareness Raising on Basin Management Approach with 18 participants who are Commune Council Members, Village Leaders and Deputy Leaders and Villagers of the Baray Commune which is located in the Mekong Floodplain.
/ Perspectives papers / English

Linking Ecosystem Services and Water Security

Human well-being depends on products and services that aquatic ecosystems provide. But historically, development has largely ignored this dependency.
/ Other / English


GWP Annual Report Files consist of the annual monitoring summary on: progress markers, logframe indicators, implementation of planned activities and self-assessment on progress around critical GWP functions. By wrapping up the annual performance, all RWPs are requested to draft out the the planned set of activities to be implemented in next year. The work plan files consist of context and workplan summary, detailed workplan and budget.
/ Case studies / English

WACDEP: A unifying force in Ghana

The Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP) is an initiative of The African Union (AU) Heads of States and Governments borne out of a declaration to improve water and human security. It is a three year programme being implemented in 8 African countries and 5 river basins including the White Volta Basin in Ghana. The project aims to promote water security and climate resilience development as a key component of socio-economic transformation of the people by strengthening decision making processes while ensuring coherence at all levels. As part of the project implementation process, a Field demonstration project is being implemented in the Upper East Region in the White Volta Basin.