GWP South Asia is passing its 20th Year milestone in 2022. This is high time to honour the founders of our network as the strong foundation they have laid out was stable enough to develop this strong network now with six Country Water Partnerships and more than 400 institutional partners. Therefore, we have decided to bring their voices together on this page as a gratitude to the people who have reshaped policies and water decisions in their countries and spent their energy shed their sweat to ensure a "Water Secure South Asia".
Today marks the 2022 World Water Day celebration. The GWP CEE Water in the Circular Economy Taskforce prepared a report from Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovenia
"Partnership action for water security and climate resilience of populations
and ecosystems in West Africa", this is the title of the document capitalizing eleven case studies by GWP West Africa.
The SDG 6 IWRM support Programme Pase 3 was implemented in Ghana with the initiative called "Supporting Revision and Drafting of the Pra and Tano Basins Integrated Water Resources Management Plans in Ghana – Implementing Priority Action 1.2 of Ghana’s IWRM Action Plan". A collaborative work of
Ghana Country Water Partnership & Water Resources Commission.
/ Brochures, Case studies, IWRM tools, Reports/proceedings, Technical background papers / English
The SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme as implemented in Senegal through the "Initiative to support the acceleration of the implementation of the IWRM Action Plan - PAGIRE 2018-2030 of Senegal" by the MINISTRY OF WATER AND SANITATION through the Directorate of Water Resources Management and Planning (DGPRE) in collaboration with the Country Water Partnership of Senegal (PNES).