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Vacancy Announcement

The Global Water Partnership Caucasus and Central Asia (GWP CACENA) is seeking to hire the Regional Coordinator.
/ English

Senegal Country Water Partnership accredited

Nine Country Water Partnerships (CWP) are now accredited out of the thirteen in West Africa. At the end of September 2017, the Assembly of Partners of GWP West Africa recommended that Senegal and Ivory Coast CWPs make necessary steps to submit needed documents for their accreditation.
/ English

Guinea partners to give new dynamism to CWP

Partners of the Guinea Country Water Partnership are actively for ways to reactivate the CWP. Following up on the recommendations of the regional Assembly of Partners of September 2017 inviting the CWP to meet criteria of accreditation and improve the internal governance of the network, the partners have organized two meetings to discuss ways and means to revitalize the CWP.
/ English

New to the Network: GWP Colombia

On August 17, GWP granted formal accreditation to GWP Colombia - or “Alianza Colombiana para el Agua”, which is the local name. Colombia is a country recognised by its technical capacity in Latin America and beyond.
/ English

Kenya Water Partnership Elects a New Steering Committee

On 6 June 2017, Kenya Water Partnership held an extraordinary General Assembly Meeting at Grace House Resort Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya. The meeting objective was to address governance issues, elect new office bearers and meet requirements for accreditation
/ Case studies / English

Albania and Montenegro: Creating an Integrated Water Resources Plan for the Buna / Bojana Watershed (#486)

The transboundary Buna / Bojana Watershed is shared by Albania and Montenegro, as well as a long stretch of coastal zone of the Adriatic Sea. The watershed is faced with a variety of pressures, including unsustainable agricultural methods, increased tourism, and altered hydrological regimes from hydropower generation and flood control measures. Albania and Montenegro, while similar socially and economically, differ in their administrative, legal, and institutional frameworks. Regardless, both countries have recognized the need to strengthen their cross-border cooperation through the development of an integrated water resource plan (the Plan) for the watershed.