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/ English

From flood protection to drought mitigation

Decentralised small water retention measures are important sources of water during dry periods in Central and Eastern Europe, according to drought experts who met on 28-29 October in Warsaw, Poland. 

/ English

Kazakh branch of SIC ICWC

Interview with Kuralay Yakhiyaeva, the main specialist of the Kazakh Branch of the Scientific Information Center of Interstate Commission for Water Coordination

/ Case studies / English

Transboundary: Oppportunities and Challenges for the Shared Management of Watersheds; the Trifino Plan for the Upper Lempa (#394)

The Lempa River is shared by Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, making its management a good example of transboundary cooperation. To reach consensus, action was taken to develop a treaty as part of a regional process.  However, since the treaty was not accompanied by strategies designed by local actors, it is somewhat weak. Nonetheless, this case illustrates that political willingness is crucial for advancing towards IWRM in transboundary watersheds. 

/ Case studies / English

Panamá: The management of the Panama canal watershed (#5)

To protect the Panama Canal Watershed, which was created when the Panama Canal was constructed, formal limits to its utilisation was set up, including the Panama Canal Treaty and the creation of a Panama Canal Authority.  This case study predominantly illustrates the peculiar problems that arise when a highly artificial watershed is managed by a modern, internationally oriented public corporation with a country that is still copping with the hydraulic culture and a national water policy.

/ Case studies / English

Panamá: Restoration and integrated management in the Zaratí river sub basin (#326)

The area of Zarati river sub basin belongs to important water recharge zones. There is, however, a need to restore the area, which has been susceptible to degradation. Action has been taken in a bottom-up manner, applying Participatory Rural Assessment. Important lessons can be drawn from this in terms of IWRM, as it sets a clear example of active participation of the communities and the local authorities. 

/ Case studies / English

Nicaragua: Experiences in climate change adaptation and vulnerability reduction in the water sector: The case of the Moyúa, Playitasand Tecomapa Wetlands (#417)

The area around Lake Moyua is experiencing severe soil degradation resulting from inappropriate agricultural practices. To reverse and control the degradation process, an IWRM Plan is implemented. By involving the communities, the aim is to restore the soil, the hydrological systems, forests and biodiversity, as well as the harmonisation of policies and implementation of management regulations. This case study consequently demonstrates the value of a bottom-up approach.