The Untold Story of Water in Climate Adaptation: Country Briefs
The full synthesis report, The Untold Story of Water in Climate Adaptation. Part II. 15 Countries Speak, of the work undertaken in all 15 countries.

Country Brief: Cameroon
Cameroon’s economy and its population are highly susceptible to climate variability, climate change, and extreme events, all of which threaten its ability to develop .

Country brief: Chile
Water-related impacts of climate change are worsening in Chile, increasing flooding and drought risk, and melting glaciers.
Explore country brief (Spanish)

Country brief: China
Sustaining China’s rapid economic growth will require coherent management of interconnected climate- and water-related risks. Explore country brief (Chinese)

Country brief: Grenada
Grenada’s susceptibility and vulnerability to climate change impacts and natural disaster risks are shaped by the country’s geographic and climatic characteristics and exacerbated by its socio-economic context.

Country brief: Guatemala
Water-related hazards in Guatemala already affect economic growth and worsen the country’s high poverty levels. Explore country brief (Spanish)

Country brief: Indonesia
Climate change impacts on water threaten Indonesia’s development.
Explore INFOGRAPHIC (How water resources management can support climate resilient development in Indonesia)

Country brief: Jordan
Jordan will face increased water stress due to decreased precipitation, more drought/dry days, and potential decreased flow in transboundary waters.

Country Brief: Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is already starting to see the water-related effects of climate change and will see more of these effects in the coming decades. Explore country brief (Kazakh)

Country Brief: Kenya
Kenya’s economy is highly susceptible to climate variability, climate change, and extreme weather events.

Country brief: North Macedonia
Water-related impacts of climate change threaten food and energy security in North Macedonia. Explore country brief (Macedonian)

Country Brief: Ukraine
Climate-driven changes in Ukraine threaten the country’s food security and economic growth.
Explore country brief (Ukrainian)