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/ Global

Translations of Gender Publication to Boost Action

The GWP Gender Action Piece was launched in 2017 with the aim to improve gender equality and social inclusion in water resources management. The publication captures the views of 40 experts from around the world and contains four clear action areas to serve as drivers for progress. New language versions are now available: French, Spanish, and Russian. A broader audience is expected to lead to a renewed boost in interest and action.
/ Central Asia and Caucasus, Global

Preparing Drought Programme in Caucasus and Central Asia

The World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought is celebrated annually on 17 June to raise awareness around desertification and drought. GWP Senior Water & Climate Specialist Valentin Aich, who works on the Technical Support Unit of the Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP), shares some insights on what’s currently on the IDMP agenda. One of the major activities is expanding the programme to Caucasus and Central Asia (CACENA). Aich is passionate about this but explains that it is a process that will take years to achieve – however, all the elements are now in place and the time is right.
/ West Africa

Strong mobilization of stakeholders at the launch of TFTC 2 in Burkina Faso

The Country Water Partnership (CWP) of Burkina Faso launched the TFTC2 project on May 27, 2021 at the Komki -Ipala town hall. This second phase of the project, which will run from 2021 to 2023, was built on the experience of the first phase of the Tonfuturtonclimat project.
/ West Africa

Benin prepares the official launch of the project

As a prelude to the launch of the TFTC Phase 2 at country level, CWP-Benin organized on May 26 an information session for the communal actors of Tanguiéta on the content of the project.
/ West Africa

Mekrou Project Phase 2 Niger activities ongoing despite difficult situation on the field

From January to May 2021, the Mekrou Phase 2 Niger Project management team (PMT) has continued with the implementation of planned activities including contract signing with the consultant firms that were selected at the end of the bid for tender to carry out two main studies in the project implementation zones and start of the study processes.