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/ Caribbean

Consultancy: Development of Bankable Investment Portfolio for Financing Climate Change Projects in the Dominican Republic

The Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are a powerful framework for laying out priorities for national climate action, with the potential to guide priorities such as building climate resilience and climate-resilient infrastructure. They can be developed into country-level strategies and/or approaches for mobilising finance for climate resilient infrastructure programmes and projects and for enhancing the necessary policy and regulatory frameworks. The first window of opportunity ahead is the submission of new or updated NDCs in 2020.
/ Caribbean

Water and Climate Webinar Series in July

Cap-Net, UNDP, Global Water Partnership (GWP), AGWA, SIWI and the Water Governance Facility, will host a webinar series that sets out contributions to strengthen climate and water linkages in national frameworks such as NDCs, NAPs and various investment mechanisms.