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/ West Africa

CWP Senegal is mobilizing its partners

The Country Water Partnership (CWP) of Senegal is willing to give the national platform a new dynamism. The CWP Chair, Dr. Adrien COLY with his team organized on 18 November 2020 in Dakar one day workshop for the mobilization of the Steering Committee and the Scientific Committee.
/ West Africa

TFTC achieves goals says implementing partners during final meeting in Cotonou

The first phase of the project TonFuturTonClimat (Your future your Climate) has ended with overall good outcomes in all the countries (Benin, Burkina Faso and Togo). A final meeting was held in Cotonou, Benin on 10 and 11 November 2020 to capitalize on the main outcomes of the pilot actions carried out and draw lessons learned.
/ West Africa

TFTC pilot actions lessons learning

The TonFuturTonClimat project is a response of GWP-WA and the International Secretariat for Water (ISW) to the November 2016 Call for Proposals of the International Climate Cooperation Program (PCCI) funded by the Government of Quebec and aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change (CC) in the most vulnerable French-speaking countries.
/ West Africa

SDG/SP in Mali activities

Mali has started phase 2 of the SDG Support Programme aiming at accelerating the implementation of IWRM to contribute to achieve the SDG 6 in the country.
/ West Africa

Beneficiaries informed and engaged to take up the Mekrou phase 2 Niger activities in local plans

GWP-WA chair, Prof. Amadou Hama MAIGA and Executive Secretary, M. Armand HOUANYE made a working visit in Niamey, Niger from 9 to 13 November 2020 to inform project stakeholders, exchange with partners on the priorities and next steps in the implementation of project, discuss potential synergies to be developed in the implementation of the project and other ongoing and future initiatives in Niger and the sub-region and develop a roadmap for the strengthening of the governance of the Country Water Partnership of Niger.
/ West Africa

Benin, continued support for the implementation of the integrity action plans of the Communes

In the framework of the implementation of the activities of the integrity action plans in the Communes, a workshop to strengthen the capacities of communal actors was organized and brought together about forty actors. Participants include water, hygiene and sanitation managers, members of the Drinking Water Consumers' Associations (ACEP), those of the Citizen Participation Unit (CPC), the Heads of Development and Planning Services (C/SDLP), the Heads of Communication Services (C/com) and the Heads of Administration and Finance.
/ West Africa

IWRM for the Hydrological Unit of Assanto in the Commune of Zagnanado

Zangnanado is a rural commune located in the Department of Zou (center of Benin). The implementation of activities of the OmiDelta Governance Component with the establishment of Local Water Committees (LWCs) allowed the identification of two hydrological units in GBADOHOUIN and ASSANTÔ, in the Lower and Middle Ouémé Valley.
/ West Africa

RICC project in Benin, a new film released

CWP Benin has just released a new film on its work aiming at processing invasive aquatic plants, the water jacinth. The CWP is planning to collaborate with a Nigerian entrepeneur that is developing and promoting green energy and biofuel, SMEFUNDS. The aim is the production and marketing of ethanol gel.