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/ Central Africa

GWP SAM and GWP-CAf Co-organise a Webinar to introduce the IWRM Toolbox in Sao Tome and Principe

As part of Inter-Regional and South-South Cooperation within the GWP network, Global Water Partnership South America (GWP SAM) in collaboration with Global Water Partnership, Central Africa (GWP-CAf) organized a webinar in Portuguese on November 19, 2020 to introduce the Integrated Water Resource Management – IWRM Toolbox by GWP to partners in Sao Tome and Principe in a bid to find out their IWRM learning needs and preferences.
/ South Asia

GWP South Asia 8th General Assembly

GWP South Asia 8th General Assembly and Partners Forum “Bringing the Change” is scheduled for Monday, 7 December 2020.
/ Central Africa

Increasing women’s involvement in the collection and dissemination of agrometeorological information in Cameroon

In accordance with the Head of State’s instructions during his September 12th, 2012 visit to the flood victims in the North and Far North regions of Cameroon to "strengthen metrological information at all levels and on a regular basis" and as part of the Water, Climate, Environment - Gender (WACDEP-G) program, GWP-Cameroon supported the National Meteorological Department of the Ministry of Transport (MINT) in improving the mechanisms for collecting and disseminating agrometeorological information during a workshop held in Yaoundé on November 27th, 2020 .
/ Southern Africa

GWP Africa lays the foundation for an International Water Law Community of Practice

Global Water Partnership (GWP)’s Africa Coordination Unit hosted the first Transboundary Water Governance Lab online event on the 18th November, with the purpose of assessing interest in the establishment of an International Water Law Community of Practice (CoP). The event was attended by alumni and partners of the Pan-African Water Governance and International Water Law, which has taken place annually since 2015.
/ Global

Spring 2021: GWP Recruiting Six Interns to the Global Secretariat

Edit 14 December: Please note that the submission deadline for these internships has expired on 13 December 2020. Thank you to all who have applied, interviews will be set up shortly - for any questions, please reach out to us on