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/ Mediterranean

21 July: Webinar on Nexus Technical Solutions

GWP-Med is co-organising a Webinar on Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus in Practice – "Technical Solutions in the Mediterranean : Experience and Opportunities" on 21 July 2020, 13:30-15:00 CEST
/ Global

Farmer-Led Irrigation Can Enhance Food and Water Security

GWP co-designed a webinar series on farmer-led irrigation (FLI) in partnership with the World Bank, the International Water Management Institute, and the Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute. The 2-part series, which concluded on 9 July, highlighted the need for innovative water solutions to support agricultural production systems in a changing climate. FLI development has gained increased attention as one of the solutions to build climate resilience for smallholder farmers. GWP is involved with stakeholders in several countries on FLI initiatives.
/ China

When COVID-19 Hits College, GWP China Helps

13 July 2020, college students completed their first and special social practice ONLINE jointly underpinned by GWP China, IWA, universities of Shanghai, the private sector, research institutions and more NGOs.
/ Global

Youth about COVID-19: “We Should Learn from This”

GWP and the World Youth Parliament for Water (WYPW) collaborate on a storytelling initiative to make the voices of youth heard on water. Reflecting on the current times, with the world battling a health crisis, we asked youth around the world how the COVID-19 outbreak has changed their daily routines. This is the third and final instalment in the series.
/ West Africa

SDG 6.5.1 monitoring activity in West Africa

The SDG 6.5.1 monitoring process started in the region where UNEP-DHI through GWP is bringing financial and technical assistance to 7 countries out the 15 ECOWAS member states to facilitate the data collection and reporting process.