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/ Global

GWP South Asia Chair Passes

GWP South Asia’s Regional Chair Dr. Khondaker Azharul Haq passed away on June 27, 2020. Dr. Haq was the South Asia Chair since January 2019.
/ Central Africa

GWP Congo facilitates the validation workshop for the National Report on SDG 6.5.2 for the Republic of Congo.

Hosted by the Ministry of Energy and Hydraulics for the Republic of Congo (MEH) and facilitated by Country Water Partnership Congo and the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme (IHP Congo), the validation workshop for the national report on SDG 6.5.2 for the country took place in Brazzaville, Congo on the 22nd of June, 2020. The workshop had as objective to discuss on the state of Congo's water resources and cooperation in the field of transboundary waters and validate the draft report on SDG indicator 6.5.2, which assesses cooperation on transboundary rivers, lake basins and transboundary aquifers.
/ Southeast Asia

SERIAL DISCUSSION | WEBINAR coexistence with COVID-19: Learning from the crisis for a better Integrated Water Resources Management.”

Indonesia, 30 June 2020 -- Global Water Partnership Southeast Asia and the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Indonesia successfully organized a Webinar "Coexistence with COVID-19: Learning from the crisis for a better Integrated Water Resources Management.” The webinar was held in Bahasa Indonesia was the third from the SERIAL DISCUSSION, co-organized by the two organization.
/ China

Water Development in Mountain Counties

In June 2020, the Ministry of Water Resources sent an expert team to Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, to explore water development regarding science and technology in mountain areas. Prof Yunzhong Jiang, regional coordinator of GWP China, was one of the professional advisors.
/ Caribbean

Water and Climate Webinar Series in July

Cap-Net, UNDP, Global Water Partnership (GWP), AGWA, SIWI and the Water Governance Facility, will host a webinar series that sets out contributions to strengthen climate and water linkages in national frameworks such as NDCs, NAPs and various investment mechanisms.