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/ Southeast Asia

HELP-GWP Southeast Asia Consultation Meeting on Draft Principles on Investment And Financing For Water-Related Disaster Risk Reduction

Hanoi, 22 March 2019 -- In the Southeast Asia region, prone to many disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts, many efforts are being made to build capacity, influence policies and develop strategies to better equip member states to prevent and address disaster. Given the need and importance of paying attention to water-related disasters, the High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP), drafted ‘principles on investment and financing for water related disaster risk reduction’, which was launched during the 8th World Water Forum in Brazil. Building on a cooperation between the Global Water Partnership (GWP), the HELP and Japanese government, a session on DRR is organized with the main objective to consult on investment and financing for water related-disaster risk reduction principles. This consultation was organized as part of Viet Nam wAter Cooperation Initiative (VACI) 2019 as this initiative is closely related to the VACI’s objectives, which was designed to share and co-create innovative water solution with emphasis on Vietnam and tropical water issues. Keywords: Climate change, disaster risks reduction, investment and financing, Southeast Asia, consultation meeting
/ China

How GWP's Partners Achieve #LeavingNoOneBehind

#LeavingNoOneBehind is another global campaign of GWP in March of 2019. Multiple partners in the network from 85 countries are loyal supporters to GWP on this theme in the run-up to #WWD2019.
/ Global

Accelerating IWRM Implementation for 2030 Agenda

A national workshop was held in Guatemala on 13-14 February to accelerate the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), as part of a global process to advance the Sustainable Development Goal on water (SDG 6). Guatemala is one of four pilot countries that have begun a government-led process to identify IWRM solutions as a means of advancing progress on the SDGs. This work is carried out through the SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme, which is coordinated by GWP in close collaboration with the UN Environment-DHI Centre and UNDP Cap-Net.
/ Central Africa

Women Trained on Innovative Solution to Prevent Fluorosis

GWP Cameroon, in collaboration with the Centre for Environmental and Development Studies in Cameroon (CEDC), organised a training workshop in Maroua on 13 February for ten women leaders from two communities (Meri and Mokolo) affected by fluorosis. The training was focused on how to use fluoride removal filters and was the result of a project on how to improve WASH services.
/ Central America, Global

New Case Study from Panama on a Wind-Powered Water Pumping System

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Central America is one of the most vulnerable regions. Effects are reflected in more intense, recurrent and prolonged hydrometeorological phenomena located at opposite ends of the same spectrum: floods and drought, and the Central American Dry Corridor (CSC) is one of those most affected. In addition, it is necessary to consider existing gaps in ecosystem protection, poor resilience of infrastructure and low territorial development. Panama is not part of the CSC, but one of its regions shares similar climatic characteristics - the dry arch of Panama.