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/ South Asia

“Think equal, build smart, innovate for change”

On 8 March 2019: International Women’s Day falls on 8 March with this year’s theme “Think equal, build smart, innovate for change” which focuses on innovative ways in which individuals can advance gender equality and the empowerment of women, particularly in the areas of access to public services, social protection systems and sustainable infrastructure. Transformations, integrated approaches and new solutions are necessary particularly for advancing gender equality and empowering women on the journey to achieve the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In other words, “business as usual” will not be sufficient and should put forward innovative approaches that removes structural barriers and ensures no woman and no girl is left behind.
/ Mediterranean

Drin Day 2019

GEF/UNDP/GWP-Med project 'Enabling transboundary cooperation and integrated water resources management in the extended Drin River Basin' (GEF Drin Project) is making efforts to raise public awareness about the natural wealth and cultural heritage of the Drin River Basin through the celebration of Drin Day 2019.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

GWP CEE Appoints a New Regional Coordinator

Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe (GWP CEE) is pleased to announce that Mr. Konstantin Ivanov has been selected as the new Regional Coordinator for Central and Eastern Europe. His appointment is effective from 1 March 2019.


Keep up-to-date with Newsletter, the quarterly newsletter from GWP-SEA detailing the activities of the network. On this page, you can browse past issues in a soft copy format (PDF). Starting from 2021, we used a different format to improve the reading experience.