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/ China, Global, Southeast Asia

Multiple-stakeholder Platform for the Lancang-Mekong Water Sharing

On December 17-20, 2018, stakeholders from the Lancang-Mekong river basin countries shared their lessons of natural disasters control and future vision on joint programmes regarding the sustainable river development in Dali, Yunnan Province.
/ China, Southeast Asia

An Inter-regional Joint Proposal Development for Lancang-Mekong River Basin

Dali, 20 December 2018 -- Taking place back to back with the Workshop on Flood Control and Drought Relief Technology of Lancang-Mekong Water Resources Cooperation that was held between 17-20 December, the 2 days workshop provided the participants with a basic skills on carried out a shared vision planning to support the development of joint proposal development for Lancang-Mekong River Basin. Keywords: #sharedVisionPlanning, #TransboundaryRiverBasin, #Lancang-Mekong
/ China

Story of Mina 100 Marathons in Shanghai and Guangzhou

In December 2018, GWP China regional royal partner governments—Pearl River Water Resources Commission (Pearl River Commission) & Taihu Basin Authority of Ministry of Water Resources of China (Taihu Authority)—invited youth associations, local communities, NGOs, media and schools to the thematic campaign “Mina Guli on 100 Marathons” in Guangdong Province and Shanghai municipal respectively.
/ South America

Exitosa tese con base en el Toolbox de GWP

No dia 14 de dezembro foi defendida com sucesso a Tese de Doutorado intitulada "Gestão Integrada de Recursos Hídricos: Desenvolvendo Capacidades para a Construção de Visão Sistêmica sobre Gestão das Águas", de Gabriela Zamignan, junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Universidade de Brasília, orientada pelo Prof. Dr. Carlos Hiroo Saito.
/ Global

Preparing to Adapt: The Untold Story of Water

Water is to adaptation what energy is to mitigation – and with this in mind, GWP and the NDC Partnership co-convened a ministerial dialogue on December 10. Bringing together progress made on implementing SDG6 – the Water Goal – with climate adaptation ambitions, GWP launched “The Untold Story of Water”, an analysis of 80 Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
/ Global

Announcing the Winners of the #YWC Youth-led Projects at COP24

The winners of the Youth for Water and Climate #YWC call for youth-led projects (Be Bold. Be Creative. Get Support.) were announced at the GWP COP24 booth on Thursday 6 December together with GWP partner the International Secretariat for Water (ISW), and with youth from Central and Eastern Europe in the audience.
/ Global, South America

South American Focus on Transboundary Waters

During the latter half of 2018, GWP South America has focused on transboundary waters, engaging regional key partners and proposing an integral approach to the topic. Three events have been held since September, and on 8-9 November, regional GWP representatives were invited as special guests and panelists to an international event in Lima on transboundary waters.
/ Central America, Global

Regional Photography Contest, “Water, Gender and Youth”

GWP Central America holds a photography contest every year to engage partners, youth and other actors around water issues. The winner of the contest this year is Francisco Gil from Panama, who says that “youth is the main pillar for the conservation of our water resources”. The photograph was taken in Chiguiri Arriba in the province of Coclé.
/ China, Global

Legislative Support to Sharing Water & IWRM

On December 13-15, 2018, Pan-Asia Capacity Development Training Workshop on Water Governance convened over 40 participants from 17 countries of Asian region in Kunming, Yunnan province.