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/ Southern Africa

Sharing Lesotho’s ICM experiences at the 23rd WaterNet/WARFSA/GWPSA Symposium

From October 19-21, ReNOKA is joining the policymakers, academics, and water practitioners at the 23rd WaterNet/WARFSA/GWPSA Symposium at Sun City Conference Centre in Rustenburg, South Africa where they will unpack the regional issues and gaps in water management and identify priorities that require further research and support.
/ Eastern Africa


The Third Regional Steering Committee for the DRESS-EA project took place on 12th October 2022, in Nairobi, Kenya. This meeting was attended by a cross section of representatives from the Governments of the four National Executing Entities of the project namely:Djibouti, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda; the Regional Executing Entity which is GWPEA and the representatives of Regional Implementing Entity, which is Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS)
/ West Africa

Senegal, protection, restoration and sustainable development of water-related ecosystems in the department of Saint-Louis: what roles and initiatives for civil society

The department of Saint-Louis has a large reserve of coastal, continental and artificial wetlands, including the Langue de Barbarie, mudflats, lakes, etc. Indeed, of the nine (9) sites in Senegal included in the list of wetlands of international importance (Ramsar sites), five (5) are located in the Saint-Louis region. These wetlands are currently facing anthropic and climatic constraints.
/ West Africa

TFTC 2 Regional training

A regional training workshop on "Production, marketing and use of organic fertilizers for climate change adaptation and youth employability: opportunities, methods and tools" was held in Natitingou on 15 and 16 September 2022.
/ West Africa

Field trip of the participants to the regional meeting

The participants made a field trip which took them to the Tanguiéta town hall for exchanges with the mayor, Mr. BOUKARY Zakari, the different beneficiary communities of the TFTC 2 and WACDEP-G projects, the handing over of materials and equipment and a visit to some of the youth and women's action sites in the framework of the project.
/ West Africa

Regional meeting of TFTC 2 implementation actors

The regional coordination including the International Water Secretariat (ISW) and Global Water Partnership West Africa (GWP-WA), the national coordination composed of the Country Water Partnership of Benin, the Country Water Partnership of Burkina Faso and the NGO Young Volunteers for the Environment (YVE) Togo met with the delegates of the youth groups from the three countries during a regional meeting from 12 to 16 September 2022, in Natitingou, Northern Benin.
/ West Africa

Strategic planning of the Dakar Water Pole

This workshop held on September 07, 2022 was an opportunity to discuss the ten-year strategy (2022-2031) of the Dakar Water Pole (PED), the priority axes, the implementation modalities, the governance of the PED, the financing, among other issues.
/ West Africa

Capacity building for sanitation workers in Benin

The wastewater and sewage sludge management sector will soon be booming in Benin, with the new reforms underway in the sanitation sector. To this end, the country has equipped itself with sludge treatment plants that meet the standards.