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/ West Africa

Analyzing opportunities and proposing options for the Fouta Djallon highlands restoration

On 19 and 20 May 2022, a workshop was held in Conakry to restitute and validate the results of the study mission on "The realization of the prospective diagnosis of the Fouta Djallon Massif along with the analysis of opportunities and the proposal of options/priorities for the restoration of the degraded ecosystems of the Massif".
/ West Africa

Mekrou Project in Niger supports the establishment of IWRM organs in the basin

The Council of the Water Agency of the Mekrou sub-basin in Niger was established on 10 May 2022 in Dosso. The installation workshop served as a framework for validating the Water Development and Management Scheme (SAGE) of the Mekrou sub-basin and its area of influence in Niger, as well as for launching three pilot initiatives for the protection and development of the sub-basin's water resources and related resources.
/ West Africa

Steering Committee meeting of the Mekrou phase 2 Niger

On 13 May 2022, the second meeting of the Steering Committee (SC) of the "Water for Growth and Poverty Reduction in the Mekrou sub-basin of Niger" Project (Mekrou Phase 2-Niger Project), financed by the European Union through its Delegation in Niamey, was held in Dosso.
/ West Africa

GWP Regional Days held in Stockholm

Global Water Partnership regions met in Stockholm for the Regional Days (23 and 24 May) and the Network meeting (25 May).
/ West Africa

Training Project on Groundwater Resources in Africa

The Country Water Partnership (CWP) Senegal received a grant from the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) for the establishment of an advisory group, and the development, management and hosting of two e-learning courses on two topics namely “groundwater resources management” and “professional borehole management”.
/ West Africa

CWP Senegal/ AEWEN Project

In the framework of the AEWEN project (Africa Europe Water & Energy Network), co-financed by the European Union's COSME programme, CWP Senegal has signed a cooperation and partnership agreement with the Consortium.