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/ West Africa

GWP WA the World Water Forum in Dakar 2022

The 9th World Water Forum held in Dakar from 21 to 26 March 2022 under the theme “Water Security for Peace and Development” focusing four priorities, which are «Water and Sanitation Security», «Water for Rural Development», «Cooperation» and «Tools and Resources».
/ Southeast Asia

FAO’s Real Water Savings (REWAS) in Agriculture Online Training

Real Water Savings (REWAS) in agriculture online training for Indonesia was the latest collaboration between GWP-SEA Regional Secretariat and FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Real Water Savings (REWAS) is a simple tool to estimate the potential for generating real water savings from various agronomic, water management and technical practices in irrigated agriculture. The tool was developed by Future Water as part of RAP’s developing regional program on water scarcity in Asia and the Pacific. So far successful trainings have been held in Nepal, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Thailand and Iran, with very positive feedback from participants.
/ China

UN WWDR 2022: Groundwater

March 22, 2022, UN World Water Development Report 2022 “Groundwater - making the invisible visible” was launched at the opening ceremony of the 9th World Water Forum in Dakar, Senegal. GWP China facilitated the launching of the Executive Summary of the Report in Chinese.
/ Southeast Asia

Innovative Solution for Sustainable Development Webinar Series#3: Provision of clean and safe water for emergency response and remote areas

Picked up the theme of provision of clean and safe water for emergency response and remote areas, the third webinar from the series was held on 7 April 2022, and invited GWP-SEA partner’ FONTO DE VIVO as the resource person. The webinar focuses on the regional issue in dealing with natural disasters and the existence of a high number of remote areas, and how the innovative technology from our partner can provide a solution for these situations.
/ Global

Global Water Leadership Programme closes the gap between IWRM and WASH

GWP capitalised on the unique opportunity offered by the 9th World Water Forum – as a place of convergence for stakeholders across its global membership – to host a two-day workshop on the Global Water Leadership (GWL) Programme. GWL country and regional leads met for the first time to discuss plans for the second year of the programme and explore how they can encourage cross-sectoral cooperation while also engaging face-to-face with experts from the GWP network.