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/ West Africa

#TonfuturTonClimat successes grounded in the countries

The regional project manager #YourFutureYourClimate (TonFuturTonClimat) and the communication officer made field visits to Togo and Benin to monitor the implementation of this project funded by the Government of Quebec, GWP, ISW and its partners. It is implemented in the countries by CWP Benin, CWP Burkina and the NGO YVE in Togo under the regional coordination of GWP-WA and ISW.
/ West Africa

Ghana concluded SDG 6 IWRM Support programme

The Water Resources Commission (WRC), in collaboration with the Country Water Partnership - Ghana (CWP-Ghana) has implemented the IWRM Action Plan for Ghana through review of the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Plans for the Pra and Tano Basins.
/ West Africa

CWP Senegal organized two workshops

An information and sharing workshop on an initiative for ecological water management to contribute to the scientific animation of the World Water Forum to be held in Dakar in March 2022. The aim is to support local elected officials in taking into account the ecological dimension of water in development policies.
/ West Africa

WACDEP-G study missions

In the implementation of WACDEP-G, four study missions have been commissioned. Methodological scoping meetings were organized followed by the submission of inception reports by the consultants. The focus areas of the study missions are the following:
/ Southern Africa

WEF Nexus key to advancing the socio-economic agenda in Zambia

The Water, Energy, Food (WEF) Nexus is an important vehicle for advancing the socio-economic agenda in Zambia and attaining the national vision 2030, says Zambia permanent Secretary for Water officiating the Water, Energy and Food Nexus National Dialogue for Zambia. The dialogue was held on 14th December 2021 in Lusaka, Zambia to identify national WEF nexus priorities and highlight the benefits of how improved sectoral coordination can accelerate national investment opportunities.
/ Southern Africa

Malawi WEF Nexus Dialogue discusses the role of the WEF nexus approach in advancing socio- economic development

On 20 December 2021, the Malawi Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources, in collaboration with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Water Division, the Global Water Partnership-Southern Africa (GWPSA) and the Malawi Water Partnership convened the Malawi Water, Energy and Food (WEF) Nexus Dialogue to discuss the WEF Nexus concept in the Malawi context and highlight its potential in reducing poverty, enhancing climate change adaptation, and spurring social-economic development in the country.
/ Southern Africa

Make Investment in Africa Water Security a Priority in 2022

Alex Simalabwi, Executive Secretary of Global Water Partnership in Africa, host of the Technical Support Unit of the AIP, reflects on the year in water that was 2021 and outlines priorities to secure Africa’s water needs for the year ahead.