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/ Central and Eastern Europe

GWP 25 Anniversary Interviews - Youth

To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of GWP's existence, we decided to interview 25 of our most renowned people and their relation to GWP CEE. In this article, we focused on our young specialists.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

GWP 25 Anniversary Interviews - Partners

To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of GWP's existence, we decided to interview 25 of our most renowned people and their relation to GWP CEE. In this article, we focused on our partners.
/ Mediterranean

Coming together for sustainable development in the Drin River Basin; Five key lessons from Southeastern Europe for successful transboundary cooperation

Covering a geographical area of 20,361 km2 connecting 5 countries and 5 water bodies, the Drin Basin in Southeast Europe sustains unique ecosystems and endemic biodiversity, while supporting the economic activity of over 1.6 million people who call it home. However, four transboundary problems - deterioration of water quality, variability of hydrological regime, biodiversity degradation and disturbance of the natural sediment transport regime - are threatening the basin’s health with a direct impact on both the environment and livelihoods.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

Year 2021 in Review

Year 2021 has been quite challenging for everyone. Nevertheless, GWP CEE did it’s best to push the GWP mission forward. Let’s review the deeds together.

Workshop-Introduction to the Climate-Land-Energy-Water (CLEWs) modelling framework and its use in the Nexus Assessment of the Drina River Basin

A two-day workshop on the Climate-Land-Energy-Water (CLEWs) modelling framework and its use in the Nexus Assessment of the Drina River Basin took place on 8,9 July 2021. The purpose of the workshop was to familiarise participants with the Climate, Land, Energy and Water systems (CLEWs) nexus methodology, used to quantitatively assess the energy-water interlinkages within the Nexus assessment of the Drina River Basin. By providing an overview of general concepts, tools used and hands-on experience on model building, the workshop opened the box of the modelling analysis to the audience and laid the ground for local uptake of the model infrastructure.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

10 Years for Green Future – Youth Dialogues

One of the primary strategic goals of GWP is to engage youth in any way possible. The point is to give them a fighting chance for a water secure future. This year, we tried something new.