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/ West Africa

CWP Senegal with the Ministry train technicians on piloting drones for catchment mapping

From Monday, October 25 to Saturday, November 05, 2021, the Country Water Partnerships of Senegal (PNES) in partnership with UNESCO and the Ministry of Water and Sanitation through its directorates, the DGPRE and the DPGI, organized a training session leading to a certificate on drone piloting. This session was held, alternating between theory and practice.
/ West Africa

Operationalizing IWRM in West Africa with the RECs and RBOs

The Department of Agriculture, Water Resources and Environment (DAREN) and the ECOWAS Commission in collaboration with the Global Water Partnership in West Africa (GWP-WA), the African Network of Basin Organizations (ANBO); the Secretariat of the Convention for the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (UNECE) organized a regional workshop on the theme "Operationalization of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) at the river basin level in West Africa: approaches, achievements, challenges and good practices'', from November 30 to December 03, 2021, both face to face in Ouagadougou with virtual participation of partners in the countries.
/ West Africa

GWP-WA is progressing on PREE/IUCN activities implementation

During the last months the Executive Secretariat coordinated the field missions carried out by the consultants of the AGRISTUDIO/ID SAHEL consortium in 4 Fouta Djalon countries from November 16 to December 04, 2021. The consultants’ firm had submitted their start-up report of the mission on the realization of a prospective diagnosis of the Fouta Djallon massif with the analysis of the opportunities and the proposal of the options/priorities of restoration of the degraded ecosystems of the Massif. This report was validated after some amendments by GWP-WA.