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/ Southeast Asia

GWP PAN Asia meeting on the Outreach Plan SDG 6.5.1 Asia Report, Regional Agendas and Funding

By the end of 2020, GWP PAN-Asia has successfully implemented the PAN-ASIA SDG Learning Exchange on Monitoring and Reporting of SDG Indicator 6.5.1 Degree of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Implementation. The report has been finalized in 2021 and therefore the network discussed the outreach Plan of the report, as well as another regional agendas.
/ Central Africa

Applying the Source-to-Sea approach for healthy rivers in Douala, Cameroon

In response to a request made by the Urban Council of Douala during the June 2020 GWP-Cameroon Steering committee meeting, GWP-Cameroon with the support of GWPO is working on a Source to Sea approach project to better manage plastic waste to ensure healthy rivers in Cameroon’s economic capital, Douala.
/ Global

GWP Presents Initiatives to Global Audience at World Water Week

The 2021 edition of World Water Week concluded on 27 August after a packed week of digital events. As in previous years, GWP was engaged in many sessions. One of the milestone announcements of the week was the UN-Water release of the SDG 6 Progress Reports, based on the 2020 Data Drive initiative, which GWP contributed to through the SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme. The message from the launch was clear: we are not on track to meet the 2030 Agenda water goal so we need to urgently accelerate progress. Throughout the week, GWP presented several of its initiatives that aim to do just that.
/ West Africa

Recruitment of national consultants for the evaluation of plans, policies and guidelines

The Consortium comprising the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), a specialized United Nations agency, the Volta Basin Authority (ABV) and the Global Water Partnership in West Africa (GWP-WA) are implementing the project entitled "Integration of flood and drought management and early warning for adaptation to climate change in the Volta Basin (VFDM)". The activities of the VFDM project, started in June 2019, are continuing and will end at the end of June 2023. The VFDM project is financed by the Adaptation Fund.
/ Central Africa

Ensuring food security in Cameroon by reducing farmers vulnerability to climate change

To support Cameroon in the implementation of its new national development strategy 2030 which aims in part to ensure food security, the Department of National Meteorology of the Ministry of Transport (MINT) and GWP-Cameroon joined forces with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to address climate vulnerabilities in the Far North Region through a practical training of farmers in Meri on the weather, climate, and agriculture from August 18th - 20th, 2021.